Monday, March 27, 2006


The room I was assigned in Bethany is “Esther”.

Esther is a special biblical character to me. To me, she represents God's special plan for me in the marketplace. Esther was placed in a special position, as Queen of that large kingdom, to do great work for our Lord. To me, once again today, seems that God is telling me that He has indeed placed me at a special position to do great work for him. And just like Esther, I need to make up my mind, to follow our Lord and do what I ought to do.

What is it that I need to do for our Lord at my position in CX? I don't have a clear answer at this point. I think, it may be related to what sui has been challenging me to think about. Whether I am now fallen back to the area A/ area B thinking mode?

What I do believe:

That all the work I do, I do them with a heart to serve my Lord. So I do it wholeheartedly, wish it work, treat it as a task my Lord has entrusted me to do.

I believe my Lord's way is the BEST way. That no matter what I do, I need to do it in His way, following His teaching, the principals that He has taught us to follow. It not only affects me, but it also affects others: for in us they see how we live out a life that representing Christ. If we swing, we lost our witness and it becomes the stumbling blocks for others to follow Christ. And that'd be v bad. (a side story with Brian on R7s tkt distribution...need to write it down before I forget!)

Having said the above, would ALL the things that I do with an explicit causal relationship to God's great plan? At this point in time, I don't think so. e.g. For Rugby 7s – can it be linked to God's great plan? Or the 60th roadshow, can it be? Well actually, thinking about it more, may be it's not the case that “there cannot be”. Rather, I haven't really tried to think that way, or prayed that way, or I feel that I didn't know how to do it that way.

I'm sure that if it's on myself alone I won't be able to do it that way! With myself alone I couldn't even finished a brief from the earthly sense. But if Lord can give me wisdom to finish an earthly brief as I pray for it, God can certainly reveal His will to me to do things on earth in CX but also be part of His great plan, isn't it?

Lord, I still don't know how to do it. But you know! And you can! Lord, I pray to you that I don't just see task at hand from the earthly sense but also see them with my spiritual eyes opened. Lord, for whatever will you have for such plans, please enlighten me and reveal your will to me. Lord,Jesse said your will is simple and shouldn't be tough for us to do. I think there is moment it applies and moment it doesn't apply, istn't it? Lord, I do believe that in no matter which case, you won't need us to do things in the dark or tell lies in order to do “your” thing – it just violates your nature! But I do think that, Lord, sometime what you ask us to do may not be easy things. Sometime there may still be tough way we need to go thru and tough decision we need to make along the way. We need to be clear and determined to follow your way, all through. Lord, I have determined to do so. Lord, I wanna follow you, I wanna be obedient to you. Lord, if there is anything in my life that's hindering me to hear you clearly to hinder me from getting closer to you, please reveal them to me, and help me repent and renounce them, so I can once again be restored in you. Lord, I fthere is anything blinding me, please help me to get rid of them so I can see you, clearly. So I can then obey you and continue to walk in your way, walk in your path.

Lord, I still don't know what I can do for you at work as in my MKT position. But I give this to you. I give this to you, Lord. I give this to you so you can tell me what it is and what it isn't. Instead of me juding. Lord, because you are my Lord. You are Lord of my whole life, you are Lord of my job of my work also. Lord, Let me be your Esther. Let me be an obedient Esther – not the one in the first round thinking only of her own self and the dangers ahead. Lord, let me be the Esther that finally emerged in the book – an Esther who does not look at the negative side of things, the Esther who sees that Lord you are in control of all things, an Esther who sees the positive, the can do, an Esther who will do what you have asked her to, an Esther who does not care for her own safety or own benefit, but only looks at you and you alone. And as Esther believes in you, you will provide me as you provide her with flavor, with wisdom, with method and tactics and success so your will can be done. Lord, let me be your Esther. Let me be a useful tool for your use. Let me be part of your great plan. Thank you Lord.

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