Monday, March 27, 2006

ah Keung

Lord, and thank you for giving me such strong 感動 especially to pray for ah Keung. Lord, you really, really love him. You really really love him. You love him so very much exactly because he has been thru so much ups and downs in his life. Exactly because he has once fallen so far away from you, so you love him even more so as to mend those broken parst in him. Exactly because he felt so much hurt from church before, so Lord you wanna love him more to heal those parts. Lord, oh Lord, you love him so, you love him so. And you are all ready and all prepared to heal him, to give him a brand new heart, to wash him off all bitterness. Lord, you have prepared a new life for him. Yes once and for all you have prepared a new life for us to put on, and on going you will just keep cleansing us for we continue to get dirt from this world. Lord, you'll just keep cleansing us, keep cleansing us so we can all be holy in you.

Lord, and you have already prepared all these for ah keung. Lord, not only that you'll cleanse him and heal him and you're going to raise him and use him, and use him big! Lord, you have great plan for him. It's only up to him now to choose to let go of his past and to step into your cleansing stream to get cleansed and to get the blessings and power you have prepared for him. For you have great plan prepared for him, for you have great things for him to do. Let go of all the bitterness. Let go of all the unworthiness. Let go of how he sees himself from himself but he needs to see himself thru your eyes Lord! He needs to see himself in glory and worthiness and in power and in love in You, Lord! In you he's good and perfect! Oh Lord please please please show this to ah Keung, so he can see how worthy he is in your eyes. How he is the apple in your eye i.e. 眼中的瞳仁 i.e. Your favourite beloved son. Yes Lord you said, we are no longer servant no longer 奴僕, but in Christ we are your sons and daughters, in Christ we 同作後嗣. Lord, let ah keung be cleansed in you, once again. Let him see his true self in you.

Lord, Jesus, in your name I renounce all those lies that the evil one has placed in ah Keung's mind and heart. Lord Jesus, in your name I order all these lies be removed but only your truth to fill ah Keung's mind and heart. Open his eyes so he can see it clearly, how glorious he is in your eyes, in your kingdom, and how powerful he is for he is to do great thing for you Lord. For he is to do great thing for you. Lord, open his eyes as you said, you came to set the captive free and you came so that the blind can see. Lord, set him free and let him see. Lord, ob Lord. You love him so. Let him know, lord, let him know. Let him know. Fill his heart with your love Lord. Open his eyes so he sees himself as from your eyes. Remove the lies that blind him. Lord.

I really feel that Holy Spirit is very strong in my heart, urging me to pray for ah Keung. I know this is what our dearest heavenly father has in His heart for him. I can really feel his aching love for him. I still feel this strong need to intercede for ah keung, to really cry out for him, to pray very very hard for him. For him to be set free for him to see the truth, the love, and the glory and power.

Lord I know this is what you have prepared for him. This is what in your heart for him, and I thank you for this, Lord. Thank you for the aching love you have for him. The emotion is so strong, my Lord. You love him so so so very much.

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