Monday, November 13, 2006

給爸媽的信 - 1


收到這封信,會否覺得很奇怪?「阿恩為何無端端寫信回來?〈D 字仲咁整齊添!〉是不是有甚麼特別事?不開心?」


第一個原因是一封「學院通訊」。Wesley 和我工餘會一起出去上聖經班,這封信就是我們的老師寫的。不知我是否太「感情用事」,或是太欣賞這位老師了,我覺得他這封信很有「家書」的味道:既親切,又貼心,還有很好的提醒。我也把他的信附上,讓你們「品評品評」。

其次呢,我覺得我們真的好久沒有好好「傾偈」了。其實我是很喜歡深入結交朋友的,我喜歡真去了解別人是怎麼樣,怎麼想的呢?生活中生命中,有甚麼高興或困擾的事情呢?人生的意義,對對方而言,是甚麼呢....?諸如此類,heavy duty 的 questions。對於「吹水唔抹咀」式的 social activities 或是朋友,我是比較難投入的。對自己愛的人,自然希望了解更多。不過,每個星期回來都實在來去怱怱,都不知從何說起。所以,雖然每星期都見,還是覺得很久沒有溝通的感覺。

第三件事呢,是近來聽的一節聖經課。相信你們都知道聖經中記載神親自頒布「十誡」,而其中一條就是「要孝敬父母,使你在耶和華你的神賜給你的地上得享長 壽。」原來在原文中,「孝敬」這個字的字根與「重」,heavy,有關,大概就是「使之...重要」的意思。我從沒有想過自己不孝敬父母:你們這麼好,我們感情又好,我又「乖」,怎會不孝敬?不過神就在我心內提醒,其實,我真的不能算得上「孝敬父母」,至少在主的眼裡算不上。上星期回來,停留了差不多一句半鐘,吃了飯便走了。我問,一星期有多少分鐘呢?一萬多分鐘。原來我回家與你們共聚的時間,連 1% 也不到,那算怎麼「敬重」呢?



如果有感動,你們也可與阿德 & Robert 分享這封信。

最後,希望我們 12 月真的能夠一起去旅行啦!縱然是去澳門或珠海,縱然只是短短數天,我是很珍惜我們一家人一起共聚的時刻,可以見多幾面,不用來去怱怱!


2006 年 11 月 13 日

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Harp & Bowl

Tonight the prayer meeting at my church was a "Harp & Bowl" meeting. Praise the Lord. His presence was so strong. I was blessed the moment I walked in the door:

Brothers and sisters were then using these verses to bless one another:
And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.
Luk 1:46 - 48

That was already really, really good. But then Pastor Helen also blessed us with this additional verse:

And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.
Luk 1:45


Oh I was so touched! I knew the Lord was talking to me I knew the Lord is talking to me.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you for loving me so and blessing me so.

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Presentation to Student Group

Today, I took a "work order" from my boss to help her deliver a presentation to a group of students visiting our company. They are all final year Marketing major students. About 40 of them.

I spent the whole morning preparing for the presentation. As I was working on it, I prayed quietly in my heart that I did want to share some useful things with them. I didn't want to just deliver a presentation. I hoped that they could really take something away and be blessed.

As I walked into the room, they were just having a short break. When I was setting up my presentation I prayed for them quietly to our Lord, to bless them.

All went well. Just 2 questions raised during Q&A, and the lecturer said "oh, they're so shy. They would probably ask you questions during lunch!" So lunch together we went.

I was so absent-minded that I didn't see the placard with my name on the first table so I took a seat on the last table. After I took the first plate of food back to my seat, I prayed, and about to start to eat. Then the first question came from the young gentleman sitting opposite:

"Grace, do you see any conflict of your religion and your work? I see that you are a Christian. How do you see living out one's faith in work environment? You know, I'm a Christian too so I asked."
I believe there were at least 5-10 seconds that I didn't know how to react, but staring at him blankly. Would you expect such a question at all? I CERTAINLY DIDN'T! And I just can't tell you how amazed I was when I heard about this.

So after the initial shock, I got the opportunity to share how I led a Christian life at work - and how indeed it is just THE way! And we even got the opportunity to talk about CCF and the Alpha Course in CX, too. And I'm really glad that I could share with them the truth that God does have a great plan for each and every single one of us, and to encourage them to find that calling and passion in their life.

Oh my Lord, how amazing you are. How amazing you are. When our hearts turn to you and that we do things for you, you then give us the opportunity to testify for you and give glory to you. Oh my dear Lord, you are just amazing!

Praise our Lord!

Monday, October 23, 2006


之前 Wesley 有一篇 blog 講到他與神立定的底線,我不期然想,我與神的底線又是甚麼呢?


  • 無論怎樣,我都知道這個神是真的,因為我已經經歷過祂的真實;
  • 無論怎樣,我都知道這個神是最愛我們的,祂只會給我們最好的,縱然有時候我可能不明白為甚麼事情要這樣發生。

箴言 4:23 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Prayer for HKIR 2006

My dear Lord,

After the fun-filled Gala Party, I now need to start work on the HKIR. It’s really difficult for me as I think gambling is something you don’t like, and so I don’t wanna promote it. But I don’t know how to do it as I know I can’t escape from this project, either.

Lord, thanks so much for your revelation last night – that I really can’t do it! Just on myself there is no way I can change it or turn it around. I just can’t do anything about it.

But with YOU, we can do ANYTHING! Lord, you can do anything, including turning this HKIR thing into a blessing instead of it being used by the devil to capture people’s lives and soul.

Lord, I serve you. I know you are the only one I serve when I work on this project or in fact, any other project that I work on. Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name I proclaim this CXHKIR event is YOUR event, YOUR name to be glorified, that people will find YOU and see YOU thru this event, instead of being captured by this world.

And Lord, with the strength and wisdom that you give me and the fact that you work with me together for this cause, this event in fact turn people AWAY from gambling, AWAY from the lost world, but to find YOU. Lord, in you this event should turn into a great success, NOT by bringing in more people or more money to the race, but bringing people to YOU.

Lord, I don’t know how it can be done. I have no clue at all how to do it! But this is the heart that I lay in front of you. This is the only reason for which I can work on this campaign. Lord, but just in case it’s just my wishful thinking and indeed you want me to have nothing to do with it, please, please let me know. Please let me know what’s your will, so I can adjust my life to you.

Lord, thank you. Because you have always prepared way out for us, and that in You, we can live this abundant life.

Thank you Lord. Thank you.

In name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Monday, September 25, 2006

感謝主 - 60周年晚會

我覺得好需要寫這個blog, 頌讚主, 記下主的恩典.

上星期五, 我公司舉行了一個十分盛大的晚會, 慶祝公司成立 60 周年. 這是我的 project - 是今年最大的, 也是我工作以來所負責的最大形的一個 project.

一面準備這個 project 的時候, 都好喜樂, 雖然工作真的很繁重, 有時工作時間也很長, 睡得很少, 不過, 心裡卻依然好歡喜, 也不怎麼疲倦, 也不怎麼緊張, 心裡十二分的清楚, 這不是我的能力, 也不是我 EQ 特別高, 或 energy level 特別高, 而是來自主的恩典, 同在, 與保守. (話說回來, 也不是每天都如此 "狀態大勇", 也有乏力與緊張失眠的時候 -- 那時就要 Wesley 與 Angela 多多為我禱告了.)

你問我我也不明白, 但心中就是有個意念 -- 神要在這個 project 中得榮耀. HOW? I don't know. 究竟神怎樣在一個商業機構的 party 裡得榮耀呢? 怎麼有關係呢? 我真的不知道. 但這個意念就是在心中. 我就不斷捉著這個意念禱告. 自己心中也清楚明白, 自己的努力工作, 與以前十分不同: 為的不再是 prove 自己的能力, 也不是為 impress 老板, 也不是熱愛公司到這麼不眠不休的地步, 而是盡心盡力服侍主. 不知是誰說的話: to live in God is to live your life to the fullest. 這幾個月, 心中很經歷得到主在工作中的同在. 真的很感恩.

一面做這個 project 時, 因為有來自神的平安與喜樂, 所以常常都 "笑得出", 我相信這也是見證主的方法之一, 就好像神當年在亞水身上所作的, 吸引我去尋求祂一樣. 當 "有人問(我) 心中盼望的緣由",我就"常作準備,以溫柔、敬畏的心回答各人" , "心裡尊主基督為聖" ( 1Pe 3:15) 。感謝主, 讓我有機會將榮耀歸給祂, 也藉機向別人介紹主耶穌.

這個 party, 是在一個半 outdoor 的場地舉行: 下雨當然不行, 但太熱, 或太大風也不可以. 之前我老板笑說, 他從來都好好運, 搞 function 時都會好天. 但接近 party 那數天, 他也有點緊張, 我告訴他我會繼續為此禱告, 他說, "well, that should help, too." 而我則很清楚, 是神回應我們的禱告, 我也感謝主, 叫我在祂眼前蒙恩. after all, 天氣又豈是人能掌握的呢?

最後想說的是, 真的很感恩, 多謝主賜我們一間好好的 supplier, 好好的團隊, 當中成就的一切, 都是來自主的.

結果, 這個 party 十分成功, 當別人讚 "搞得好" 時, 我真的很由衷地覺得我沒有做甚麼, 願榮耀都歸給主.

(p.s. 我打中文真的很慢, 這篇東西我打了差不多兩句鐘.)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Post-Agape Conference 2006 & Sui's sharing

Last week Wesley and I and many others went to Kaohsiung of Taiwan to join the Agape Conference 2006. Praise our Lord for some good healing, some key messages, some important take-aways - but I'm not going to talk about them here. What I wanna talk about is what happened after the conference, after we got back, in the past few days.

In the past few days, I have experienced a new level of craving for our Lord that I have never experienced before. Always, always, I wanna stay in the presence of our Lord. It seems just never enough for the short period of time which I can concentrate on Him each morning. In my mind I know the work I do is for Him and is His ministry - but still, I would rather just look up to my Lord, and just sit there and focus on Him.

I have never experienced this before. I guess, there is something to do with the Agape Conference, for I was immersed in His presence totally in those few days. And how I missed such good time! So now I just wanna be back with Him, still.

Apart from the fact that I am hungry for His love and presence, I have also prayed to our Lord for me to experience Him even more, more of Himself, more of His anointing.

I still remember how I picked the first workshop to go to during the Agape Conference - I had that craving in my heart even then, for more of our Lord. So finally I went to join Pastor Suen's session on "Being Filled by Holy Spirit". I know I'm not looking for the external physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit, but I really, really want more of our Lord, want to experience Him more, that can come with physical response though.

And I want more of His anointing, too. Yes I want more of His anointing. I wanna experience Him more. I wanna receive His power so I can also do more for Him. And I wanna please Him. And by so doing I know I gonna love Him even more, and experience His love even more.

And so I dream on. And deep down from my heart, I know I wanna do great things for Him. Big things. It's always in my heart to do more for Him. More.

I'm always conscious that it should not be the physical manifestation that we are going after, nor it should be the ministry or work that we do for our Lord that should give us satisfaction. But even with this consciousness, somehow, this urge is in my heart so that one day, may be, I can be used by our Lord to influence many. Like one of these many speakers that we heard from during the conference.


During the conference, one of the key message for me, personally, is the message about breaking down the wall between two generations. As Wesley shared in his blog, we can't hide away from it any longer. We can't pretend that we have nothing to do with it any more.

I have never thought about it, but as Wesley shared in his blog, even my growing up was a lonely journey. Quite an orphan journey. I have never thought this way before as you know, I have very loving parents and I also grow up with quite some good friends. I have never thought that spiritually, really, I have never truly experienced that connection between 2 generations. It may be the reason why unconsciously, even since I was still young, I would like to play with people older than myself but have never been enthusiastic about making friends with people younger than myself - I don't know how to communicate with them. I don't wanna learn about the different culture in their generation. Basically I'm not that interested in their world. And didn't feel the need that I should be.

But now, after this conference, I know though I don't feel like it, God has spoken to me and that I need to do something about it. What? I don't know yet. But I do know that I need to take this message back and to start with, to share with the group of kids in Vision first.


I shared this "youth" message with sui when we went to class together just this Monday. He said he was moved, by the message that how God has chosen this young generation (people under 30) .

As I got on the bus I received this SMS from sui:
I believe wes & u will join Culture V someday. May HIS will be done!
I was speechless when I got his SMS, and I didn't know how to respond. So I did not respond at all.

Actually it's not the first time sui "hinted" on this, just that this time he shared this message more directly.

Why did I not respond - simple, because I don't wanna say yes, but dare not say no.

I think there're a few things to it - how I didn't feel like to do youth work as mentioned above. But also, though consciously I dare not touch on this but I think it does affect me, is the financial insecurity if to join Culture V. And of course, also the question of what I'm to do there and that I have not heard about it directly from the Lord yet.

But this is the first time, the first time I seriously start thinking about it - thinking about why I have been avoiding this thought previously. Praise our Lord. I know He is continuing His good work in my life and continue renewing me.


And sui called me again today for some other stuff. Then I mentioned about the SMS and why I didn't reply. Sui didn't push further but rather shared another message:

No I won't push you two on it. God has His timing. I just wanna tell you - when you look at those speakers, they're so great on stage, doing great things for God. You don't need to admire them - because things like that are already happening around you! Once Wesley and you 'jump in' and get started you would have even greater things to share.
I was shocked. I knew immediately, God was speaking to me.

Isn't it the prayer I have been making to God in the past few days? That I wanna do great things for Him? That how I admired the other speakers, for their lives are so used by our Lord. That how I wanna be like them and be immersed in our Lord all the time and just to do His work. Oh how I miss our Lord.

And now, tonight, I think it's a promise and a revelation from the Lord to us. US. Wesley and I.


I still don't know what it's like going forward. I still don't know exactly how I can turn my heart to the young generation so I can help path the way for them or prepare for them to do God's work. I also don't know if Wesley and I will join Culture V some time. All of these are still unknown.

I just know that, I want more and more and more Jesus in my life. NOW. Before I get enough of Him to know where He wants me to go or do, I'll continue to look - to look for HIM, directly.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A revisit to Queen Mary Hospital

Today, Wes' dad needs to be admited to QMH again for a body check. He needs to stay overnight in the hospital tonight and the "check" will involve a minor operation, involving a tube travelling thru his blood vessel from his thigh up to his head.

This is the first time I go to QMH again, since wes' dad was transferred from it to MacLehose for rehabitation training. Just 3 more weeks it would be exactly one year from the day dad was hit by the stroke.

I don't know how to say but, you can imagine, strange emotion rises up in my heart as I started driving into the visitor carpark in QMH. As the car turns up and up and up to reach the right parking level, memory of those days just came back to me so vividly. And it seemed so long ago.

Dad is admitted to ward A7 - the same level dad was in about a year ago. There were also a few familiar faces of the doctors and nurses. Actually most of them cannot recognize dad, as he looks so smart and so different now! But they do remember him by his name and remember mom. And they are really kind to come up to say kind words to mom and dad.

It's really best described by 百感交雜 i.e. a hundred different types of emotions mixed together. And I felt even stronger about this when I went up to the ward standing by dad's bed.

I can't take my eyes off this:

You may not be able to see it clearly: it's the chart for recording the patient's temperature, reaction, blood pressure... etc. For so many weeks we have been staring at this same chart, hoping the line indicating dad's reaction would go up. And now! See! All of them are in the top box. Once again I can't help praying to our Lord, thanking and praising him for the wonder He has done.

I will go pick up dad again tomorrow. May God bless him tonight as it's the first night he stays away from mom since his discharge from MacLehose. Also bless mom with a good night of sleep.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Fire of God and the work of the Holy Spirit

This past Sunday, Sharon gave a sermon on the "Fire of God", followed by ministering.

Her sermon really touched my heart. Towards the end of her sermon I have already been crying out to the Lord in my heart: Lord, I want your fire too! Lord, I want MORE of your fire, too!

Holy Spirit really touched me that day, and once again I cried those "heart felt" cry. But sort of, I was still feeling missing something. I guess I was looking for something more "dramatic" (what a wrong expectation to have from the first place!). So I was a bit disappointed when I left, though I was absolutely sure that Holy Spirit has indeed worked in my heart.

The miraculous thing though, happened after I've left!

I don't really know how to describe. But that whole afternoon, I had this special feeling that Holy Spirit was with me, and was working on me. Whenever I closed my eyes, quiet down, and focus on Him, I felt like I was laid down comfortably. While I was laying there, the Holy Spirit was working on me. I felt like being changed by Him: a very "physical" type of change as if replacing different body parts of me, one by one. And I felt like just relaxing and lying passively there, as God was doing the work. It sort of like going to salon for facial or shampoo or body massage: others are doing the work, I'm just lying there.

I really enjoyed that fellowship time with God. Doing nothing, really, not praying from a long prayer list or repeating a particular bible verses. But simply, enjoying His presence and the time together.

And I think, this is the important thing Jesus wants me to learn. As shared in the previous post, Sharon has actually shared this message to me last week! Even before I cried out to our Lord after her sermon this week! That I should only want Him! That Jesus Himself, instead of any work or service that I wanna do for Him, should be the focus or want in my life.

And Jesus, thanks so much, as you have not only put this important teaching into my mind and soul, but also let me experience this truth in my own life, in my spirit.

Praise our Lord!

p.s. I didn't write it down until now because earlier on, I felt that I couldn't write anything down! I was still too immersed in the presence of the Holy Spirit, enjoying it, and felt that if I speak too much or too soon, my mind will get too strong and too active that would take away the sensitivity in my spiritual self. Well, for I know it well that my SQ is relatively low, I treasure this experience very much and don't want it go so soon!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Important message from God

It has been over 2 months since my last blog! But this message from my Lord is so important that I must write it down, least I forget in future.

Today, Pastor Chan and his team from Agape Centre came to our church. Apart from the very good teaching from him, we were given a chance to be ministered by this very anointed team.

2 persons came pray for me.

The first one was a gentleman. So bad I don't really remember what he said (actually I couldn't hear him clearly, as it was quite loud). But I do remember he asked God to give me power so I can serve Him, and to serve Him better.

The second one I believe is Sharon, i.e. Jack Young's wife. I remember how stupid I felt when I couldn't quite understand her Mandarin when she was praying for me. I knew she was asking me questions but I didn't know what she said or how I should answer! For one question, finally, I did know what she said, "What do you want?" "What do you want from our Lord?"

I didn't really have a clear answer in my mind, then. A few thoughts came to my mind: baby? the anointing of Holy Spirit? anointing for evangelism? healing? miracles?...?...? Sounds like a long list but they just flew through my mind very quickly.

Then I heard she said, "You just want Jesus Christ. The only thing/ one you want in your life is Jesus. And He wants you, too, every inch of you, inside and out..." "Just remember this, Jesus loves YOU. You must not forget how Jesus loves you."

And what she said reach so deeply into my heart!

Oh Lord! It's so true! Truly what I really need and really want, is you.

I felt it such a great gift from our Lord. And so much love from Him, loving so much to have these messages for me. I just cried my "spiritual cry" - the tears were coming out from such deep deep part in my heart and my soul, that I felt like I am crying myself out.

It's a key key key message for me. And I always know I have a tendency to become "Martha" instead of "Mary", i.e. too busy serving Lord, but forget the most important thing i.e. my Lord Himself. And Jesus loves me so much that He doesn't want me to miss out on this biggest blessing in my life, i.e. HIMSELF.

So I must write this very message down, least I forget.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Weekly Prayer (14)

Dear my Lord,

It's so great, just to sit hear, enjoy, and let your presence flow ALL OVER me. Lord, it's just so great to be with you.

When fear comes, attacking me with various thoughts about work, you gave me this verse:

1 John 3:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Yes Lord, indeed. In you there is no fear, You'll make me perfect in you, so there is no fear, no need to fear. I just need to look up to you and put everything into your hands.

And Lord, it's so great to spend time with you. Just to let your glory shine upon me. Yes in bible you said, when we came to you, your glory will be reflected from our face - like what happened to Moses. Lord, and I wanna be more like you, Lord. Let me spend more and more time with you Lord so I am becoming more and more like you. Lord, I wanna be more like you.

And Psa 16 is so very good. In particular I like these verses:
2 我 的 心 哪 , 你 曾 對 耶 和 華 說 : 你 是 我 的 主 ; 我 的 好 處 不 在 你 以 外 。
5 耶 和 華 是 我 的 產 業 , 是 我 杯 中 的 分 ; 我 所 得 的 , 你 為 我 持 守 。
6 用 繩 量 給 我 的 地 界 , 坐 落 在 佳 美 之 處 ; 我 的 產 業 實 在 美 好 。
7 我 必 稱 頌 那 指 教 我 的 耶 和 華 ; 我 的 心 腸 在 夜 間 也 警 戒 我 。
8 我 將 耶 和 華 常 擺 在 我 面 前 , 因 他 在 我 右 邊 , 我 便 不 致 搖 動 。
9 因 此 , 我 的 心 歡 喜 , 我 的 靈 ( 原 文 是 榮 耀 ) 快 樂 ; 我 的 肉 身 也 要 安 然 居 住 。
10 因 為 你 必 不 將 我 的 靈 魂 撇 在 陰 間 , 也 不 叫 你 的 聖 者 見 朽 壞 。
11 你 必 將 生 命 的 道 路 指 示 我 。 在 你 面 前 有 滿 足 的 喜 樂 ; 在 你 右 手 中 有 永 遠 的 福 樂 。

Oh Lord, and yes, this psalm too:

詩 篇 1: 1-3
1 不 從 惡 人 的 計 謀 , 不 站 罪 人 的 道 路 , 不 坐 褻 慢 人 的 座 位 ,
2 惟 喜 愛 耶 和 華 的 律 法 , 晝 夜 思 想 , 這 人 便 為 有 福 !
3 他 要 像 一 棵 樹 栽 在 溪 水 旁 , 按 時 候 結 果 子 , 葉 子 也 不 枯 乾 。 凡 他 所 做 的 盡 都 順 利 。
Lord, not only that you bless me: that you said I'm blessed indeed! And that I am this tree planted next to the stream (your cleansing stream! yeah!), and that I shall bear fruits at your designated time (yes, "fruits" in many different senses including children and work and other souls. and it's YOUR timing that we're looking at, the best timing. And I even thank you for the busy timing you have set up for us for all the 60th anniversary we are now working on, including the ATL production too. Lord I thank you for that and I praise you for that. I still don't know if I can handle that much but if you have arranged it that way and that I have you to work along side with me, then nothing is impossible! Thank you Lord, dear. Thanks for giving me this chance to work like this, with you.) And not just fruits, but the leaves are also well supplied and won't dry up. If fruits are the external things that our lives bearing, then leaves must be my own life: whether it's spirit, body or soul. But my whole self, including all 3 parts, will be so well nourished in you, Lord, that none of them wl dry up. Lord, though work is tough and life is busy, as long as I get the priority right and come to you first, you'll nourish my spirit, help me get my mind and soul submissive to you, and give me healthy body and enough energy to do all things that you have set me out to do. Lord, and I'll grow. The leaves are not dried and they're working properly to support the growth of the whole tree! Lord, the root will grow deeper in you and more extensive. More branches will grow and growing more and more leaves, so as to bear more and more fruits. Yes, keep growing, keep growing. We shouldn't stop in you but keep on growing, until the day we meet with you face to face and you make us complete, then. And the best of all, Lord, of course is your blessing that for whatever I do, things will work out smoothly and great. Lord, there is really no need for me to worry about anything. Even if it's work. Though I know and I am still learning to avoid my mistake, so that they won't spoil the plan, But as long as I've done my best and do what you ask us to do (it's really not that hard, as said in 1 John. Following the commendments you have given us, to trust and believe in Jesus Christ, to love you, and love one another. Simple, straight forward requirements. We just need hte holy spirit to come help us for that important first step, and keeping us going along the way.

Lord, thanks again for such great verses and such great blessings. Lord I wanna be this tree, and keep on growing with the nutrients, the words, the learnings, in the stream, in you. Lord I wanna bear fruits for you, all kinds of fruits, as you see fit. Lord I wanna continue to grow in you, with my leaves, to learn more, deepen my roots, extending my branches. Lord, bless me and my work and in all things I do, so I can be a blessing to the people around me, to the company, to the society.

Thanks again Lord. Thanks again.

In name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Weekly Prayer (13)

Dear my Lord,

Thanks so much my Lord. You are worthy of all praise! Lord, nothing is enough for me to sing priase and give glory to you as you are so wonderful, so loving, so miraculous, and so great. Oh Lord, you are the God Almighty. Your plan is great and I'm so excited about it. Thanks so much you let me be part of it. Thank you so very very much.

Lord, I thank you for the Cleansing Stream Retreat weekend. Never before I felt so complete in you, Lord. Yes by your truth and your Holy Spirit, I am cleansed and I can become whole in you again. Lord, it's just so wonderful. Yes the hurt or damage, the big hole from the past is now filled. And yes the other unholy bonding and those bits and pieces of me which were given to others in the past, now all back to me in You. Oh Lord, we can only be complete in you, thanks so much for that.

And it's so wonderful for this wonderful status to continue! I have never felt a better Monday before and yesterday was just great! Lord, you are here, with me, whole day. You bless my hands and everything goes on just well. Lord, you bless me and you have determined to do so. Not just bless me but to bless us all - as we submit to you and follow your teaching, your blessings can then be poured out abundantly to us all. As long as we keep on being obedient to you, Lord. Oh it's just so wonderful.

Lord, and I long for you. I long for staying in your presence. I long for a life like this - living in you every day and night, at work or at home or at church. Everything I do I do it for you, Lord. It's such a wonderful life to have. Lord, I long to live as in the image of Jesus Christ, to really walk and live in your light, to be completely (as much as I can with the help of Holy Spirit, anyway!) obedient, to love what you love and hate what you hate. To really live a life that let your light to shine in front of people! To live a life so bright and so different that people will give glory to you! Lord, because it's only in you that such life is possible, that the difference is possible. Because we have the true life in you, Lord. Let me live such a life.

Lord, and I thank you for I know what I am praying for is accordingly to your will, that you wanna bless me in this way, also! It may not be now but certainly Lord you're equiping me and training me and cleansing me and helping me to develop such character to be more like you dear Jesus. Slowly but surely, I am to live more like you Jesus. And not just with your character with the fruit of Holy Spirit, but also with the power that you are to anoint me as well. Lord, I long for you and I long for a life so close to you and to live out your will accordingly. It's just so wonderful Lord.

And I thank you for this book "God @ Work". Lord it's such a wonderful book and it's wonderful because it's You speaking to me thru it.

Lord, thanks for once again ensuring me my calling to work in the marketplace for you: as in the e.g. in the book that the writer was called by you to be a pastor since he was small. I felt the same way for myself - Lord I always know that I'll work in a big company like this: not really a "front line" person, not really in non-profit organization, not to run my own biz. But really in the commercial world as a manager, but as YOUR worker.

Lord, and thanks so much for opening up a new ground, a new level to me for what it means for me to work for you in the marketplace. Lord, it's not just seeing my day to day work as my work for you. We are not just there to earn money and supply to church or to other charity organizations. It's not just seeing my career as service to you. It's also more than just sharing my testimony with people close to me or doing your work from a personal level. It's more than that, Lord, it's much, much more than that.

Lord, you'll anoint me and give me power to be the king of this world, using the same phase from the book. Lord, for you we will raise up as kings, as YOUR appointed kings for this world. Lord, you will anoint us to do all sorts of work - even marketing or programing or designing or financing. Lord, here, in the marketplace, at our position, we can do things and we are called to do things for you, here! We are to be successful and be influrential so as to transform a city, a country, and the world for you! Lord, you give us power so we can really bring your kingdom to this world - to fight poverty, inequality, unrighteousness. To help people in need, to give, rather than to take.

Lord, thank you so much. I was so excited when I was reading the teaching from the book last night and this morning. Lord, for indeed you have great plan for this world, for the marketplace, for Chinese, for HK, for us all - and it has already started! And we are already in the midst of it! Hallelujah!

Lord, I also keep on thinking about SIC and Pastor Mok when I was reading this book. Lord, how the church can equip and support and send out all these servants you've prepared for this great thing to take place in the marketplace in the society? What's the role of SIC to be played in the midst of all this? It's obvious that Lord you've already put this vision in Pastor Mok's heart - but what's next? what about the whole church - all other brothers sisters? Do they feel the same calling from you Lord so we can all serve you full time, whole heartedly, altogether, starting from our workplace? Lord, please reveal your will and prepare our hearts accordingly. So we will response to you obediently.

Lord, and thank you for the teaching your Holy Spirit revealed to me this morning: how I need to learn from King David and learn to be obedient, not to be proud, to respect the authority as you've assigned to men on earth. Lord, you've also taught me the importance and the power of the first fruit. Lord, please reveal to me what should be considered as my "first fruit" so I can separate it from the rest and dedicate it to you as holy sacrifice. Lord, and let me always remember how powerful our words are and let me always make great use of blessings and bless many, including our competitors.

Lord, I am so excited, once again. I can feel it in my spirity, Lord! Lots of wonderful things will happen, Lord. Please continue to prepare us so we can be ready for your use when it's time.

Lord, to your name I praise. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Weekly Prayer (12)

Dear my Lord,

Today is a busy day! Not only from work but also during this lunch time prayer, too. THere is the retreat camp for the Cleansing Stream seminar coming, also need to pray for SIC, and there is the evangelical gathering on coming Thursday in CX... lots of things.

But before all those, my Lord, let me sek you first. Let me get quiet in front of you, and to seek you first, my Lord. You are the most important. Our individual relathip wih you is the most important. Once we get a close relatinship with you, the rest will be sorted out.

Lord, thank you. And thank you for letting me see this from your perspective. Thank you for remijnding me so I won't get lost.It's so easy for us to be carried away, my Lord. That with many things happening around us we'd soon get lost and didn't know what we're doing or where we're going or why we are doing so. Lord, Holy Spirit, please remind me always so I'll fix my eyes on Jesus Christ. So I won't get lost or go astray.

Lord, let me first pray for the retreat camp. Lord, hope you appreciate the fasting that I take on this week. I like meat, you know, and I think it's good that everytime I wanna eat meat I am reminded of what I am fasting for. Lord, let me not think of my body first. Let me not think of the fleshly or earthly desires first. For you Lord, what's so big a deal not to eat meat for a few days? Just to let me 攻克己身 叫身服我. Let my body know Lord, only you and the spirit should be the master.

And for the lunch time this week, although not that many days I can quietly have time with you, I still think it's good thing to do. Lord, just like now. It's great to be able to talk and type to you.

Lord, please prepare my heart and prepare wesley's heart for the camp. Lord, let us be filled with your spirit. Let us really walk in your spirit and commit ALL AREAS of our life to you, before, during, and after the camp. Lord, may your presenence be with us then and to touch us, and to see thru us, and to reveal to us any sins that were still hiddden, hidden in our stuff, hiddden in our self. Lord, I pray that you'd come to free us from the devil's grip. Lord, let us prepare our hearts, so that when you are to free us, we'll be ready.

Lord, as we choose to walk into your cleansing stream, you promise you'll clean us. Lord, as we walk in, please reveal to us what we've sinned and help us to repent and renounce, and revive us in you.

Lord, not only I pray for myself and wesley, but also other brothers and sisters attending the course. Winnie, Irene, Joyce, Lydia, Priscilla and KY from my group. Kent, the other Wesley, Lab Bon, Calab and Raymond in Wesley's group. Also other bros and sis like Cody, Nancy, Anita, Kody and her husband, Caroline. Lord please pour out your blessings to them as well.

Especially I pray for all the group leaders and the intercessors who'll be joining the camp this week end. Lord, you'll bless them as they're so faithful and so willing to serve. Lord, please anoint them with your oil so that when they come back and minister to us, we'll also be blesssed. Protect them Lord, so they won't fall from the fire arrow or any other attack from the evil ones. Lord, give them your spiritual armor so they can stand firm, before and during and after the battle.

Lord, my dear holy spirit, please fill me up! pleaehelp me to keep my mind focus on you. so that I can dedicate this hour solely to you my Lord.

And I pray for SIC your church. Lord, there are lots of development and as Pastor Mok said, the atmosphere now is quite different from before. Lord, please lead our way. This is your church and you have special plan for it. Please reveal it to us. Please let us know how we need to prepare so we can be ready when you reveal your plan. Lord, revive us. Let more brother s and sisters burn their passion for you. Let us get excited and passionate about your work, your kingdom,

Finally, Lord, as we prayed about it this morning, please attract and prepare people's hearts for the evangelical function on Thursday. Lord, it's such a big harvest field here in marketplace, in Cathay. Lord, let us be a good worker and collect your harvest for you, so many more are to be saved here and transforming this company, this workplace to one that's pleasing to you.

Lord, I still don't know how to do it. I still can't see clearly how a big party like Rugby or the big party for our 60th celebration can be linked to you, to your teaching, directly. Lord, however please let me mind keep open. Please keep my hearts opened so that when you reveal this mysterious link to me, I'll see and I can hear. Not my mind or my thought to take the lead, but you, my Lord, you do.

You said when we come to you humbly you'll reveal to us 又大又難的事. And it's also true that your wisdom is higher than our wisdom, your road is higher than our road. So Lord, I just need to look up to you, and keep listening.

Lord, I look forward to the next step in your great plan. I'm so proud to be part of it Lord. It's really the joy of life to be in you. Nothing can compare with you, Lord. Nothing. And thanks for loving us so much so we can come back to you.

In name of Jesus Christ I pray. amen.

Monday, March 27, 2006

As Leader

Last FRI I had dinner with Pastor Helen. Apart from some update on how I'm doing, how Wesley's doing, how CCF is doing, etc., she talked about future cell group arrangement and asked for my input/ feedback as to have a new group with some other 『marketplace』 sisters and to be cell group leader.

I had no problem at all to have a cell group with other marketplace sisters – actually I felt rather strongly for such a suggestion. However when talking about being the group leader, there was some very strong opposing feeling in my heart.

I knew something was wrong. I knew the Holy Spirity has rung a bell there – why did you react so strongly to such an idea? There must be something wrong.

My Lord has revealed something to me. First He let me see fear. Fear in my heart. Actually I have discovered so much fear in my heart since I started the Cleansing Stream course that I think I've seen more fear in my self in this past two months than the previous 30 years combined. But yes, there it is, fear.

It is fear of several things that I've seen. Fear to take up responsibility. Fear to take lead. Fear to be recognized as a leader.

The first one is rather easy to understand – fear to take up responsibility. It's quite an earthly thing.

But why would I fear to take lead or be seen as a leader? Why? Not only in SIC but even in CCF, though I am already taking such important role in shaping the future direction for the fellowship, I still didn't feel comfortable when someone else called me the 『leader』 of the group.


Do I not feel that it's what God has called me to do? I think I feel quite strongly those directions for CCF are what God told us to go for. Do I feel that God has only given me the direction but has not explicitly told me to be leader of the group? ... may be. But it's so obvious that he has blessed me with such related gifts. Then why do I feel so uncomfortable?

It's the same thing for the cell group as Helen suggested. I actually don't mind doing work as what a cell group leader is supposed to do. But I just feel extremely uncomfortable when I should be called or recognized as such.


Is it because of the monster of pride that I fear hidden in my heart? Or actually I feel that I don't deserve to be a leader in God's kingdom? That I feel I'm no better than any one else so how can I be a leader? How can I lead others?

Well, but may be that's the point that goes wrong – who said that a leader needs to be 『better』 than others? Certainly, it's just one of the roles in God's plan, right? And if I truly believe that in God's plan there is a unique role for every body and they are equally good and equally valued in God's eyes, why does it matter that I'm a leader or not? We just be who we are and do what God told us to do at whichever time and place He sets us out to do.

Yes, I think I fear of this temptation too much, i.e. To think myself be better or smarter than someone else. So this fear becomes a bondage to me too.

Lord, please help me. I place this lie and bondage into your good hands. Please help me to break away from it and give me freedom in you, so I can be free to serve you the way you want me to be. Lord, so I can be free to do whatever you have set out me to do. Lord, I have decided to give this to you so you can clean up this place in my heart so we can regain this land from the evil one in my life.

Lord, thank you. I know you will do this because you have said so in the bible.

Thank you Lord. Thank you.

Book of 2 Timothy

The Lord has led me to read this book today, and talked to me thru a number of verses. I feel like it's not Paul talking to Timothy, but rather the Lord talking to me in the same way.

2Ti 1:2 寫信給我親愛的兒子提摩太。願恩惠、憐憫、平安從父神和我們主基督耶穌歸與你!
Yes, the promise from my Lord to give me grace and mercy and peace! Thanks so much Lord!

2Ti 1:6 為此我提醒你,使你將神藉我按手所給你的恩賜再如火再挑旺起來。
再 – again. Feel so strongly that Lord is to revive us, to get us burning for him again!

2Ti 1:7 因為神賜給我們,不是膽怯的心(靈),乃是剛強、仁愛、謹守的心。
Oh and this is such a great verse. I repeated it again and again and again. For in it I see how it is NOT so that the fear in me is from our Lord. Rather, such 膽怯的靈 is actually from the evil one! What the Lord has given me is just the good things: power, love, and self-control. Yes Yes Yes! He has given me not the spirit of fear but the spirit of power and love and self-control.

2Ti 1:9 神救了我們,以聖召召我們,不是按我們的行為,乃是按他的旨意和恩典
Yes! It's not because of what I do or what I've done. It's just the grace from God. It's just in His plan. There is NOTHING I can do to qualify me for His gift. I can only accept and say thank you. So no more hidden trying to do good/ perform/ earn his approval thing. Nothing of that sort can do.

2Ti 2:2 你在許多見證人面前聽見我所教訓的,也要交託那忠心能教導別人的人。
Will I be that? 『那忠心能教導別人的人』?

2Ti 2:14 你要使眾人回想這些事,在主面前囑咐他們:不可為言語爭辯;這是沒有益處的,只能敗壞聽見的人。
2Ti 2:15 你當竭力在神面前得蒙喜悅,作無愧的工人,按著正意分解真理的道。
2Ti 2:16 但要遠避世俗的虛談,因為這等人必進到更不敬虔的地步。
What to do? 在神面前得蒙喜悅, 作無愧的工人,按著正意分解真理的道。
What not to do? 不可為言語爭辯, 遠避世俗的虛談

2Ti 2:20 在大戶人家,不但有金器銀器,也有木器瓦器;有作為貴重的,有作為卑賤的。
2Ti 2:21 人若自潔,脫離卑賤的事,就必作貴重的器皿,成為聖潔,合乎主用,預備行各樣的善事。
Need to be sanctified, be sacred, 成為聖潔,合乎主用

2Ti 2:24 然而主的僕人不可爭競,只要溫溫和和的待眾人,善於教導,存心忍耐,
2Ti 2:25 用溫柔勸戒那抵擋的人;或者神給他們悔改的心,可以明白真道,
2Ti 2:26 叫他們這已經被魔鬼任意擄去的,可以醒悟,脫離他的網羅。
No argument. Be gentle at all time. Argue will not win back their souls, and it's not up to us to decide. But when we remain gentle, and to correct others only gently, then our Lord may give them a repenting heart so they can understand the truth and be awakened and return to our Lord. We just need to remember to be gentle!

2Ti 3:12 不但如此,凡立志在基督耶穌裡敬虔度日的也都要受逼迫。
Won't be easy ah...

2Ti 4:2 務要傳道,無論得時不得時,總要專心;並用百般的忍耐,各樣的教訓,責備人、警戒人、勸勉人。
In new version it's translated a little bit differently: 務要傳道,無論得時不得時, 『總要隨時作好準備』. So this is what I need to do, to be prepared, WELL PREPARED, to spread the gospel, at all times.

2Ti 4:5 你卻要凡事謹慎,忍受苦難,作傳道的工夫,盡你的職分。
What I/ we need to do...

2Ti 4:8 從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按著公義審判的主到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕他顯現的人。
A promise from our Lord, to us all!

2Ti 4:18 願榮耀歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。
2Ti 4:22 願主與你的靈同在。願恩惠常與你們同在!


Lord, and let me be a praying wife, for I know you have given me 權柄 to pray for and to bless my husband. Lord, I pray to you for Wesley. For him to take up this post you have assigned him, to be the head of our household. Lord, for when he takes this up your blessings will be pured out to us, to our family, and to many. Lord, guide his steps and lead his way. Lord, so that when he becomes the head of the household he always follow your way. So that you truly become the Lord of our house. Lord, for you are his lord and you are my lord. Lord, give Wesley a pure heart which only longs for you. Guide his way and protect his steps. Lord, give him power and honour as he walks in your path, according to your will. Lord, you said that your word will not come accomplishing nothing. Your word is the truth and always accomplish what you set out to do. So Lord, I raise up Wesley in my prayer Lord so your good work can be completed in him. So your good work can be completed in him.

Lord, please continue to lead his way so he will continue to grow in you and to mature in you. So when he lead the family our whole family will continue to mature in you and grow more like you, also. Lord, give him a heart that always long for you and you alone.

Lord, you'll use Wesley and our family. Lord, let us do great things for you, Lord. Whatever way you plan for us to do. Just let us serve you, Lord, in big or small way. Whatever that fits your plan, let us do so. Let us be pleasing to our Lord, by following what you reveal to us to do obediently.

Lord, thank you. For you bless him i.e. To bless our whole family. Thank you Lord.

ah sui

Lord, and yes I wanna pray for ah sui, too. Lord, you have used him so much. You love this child, a lot. Lord, this is amazing thing, very big thing that you have ask this child to do. But you will continue to lead his way and guide his way.

Lord, I pray to you for sui's protection. For he is at such forefront in the battlefield, Lord I particularly pray for his protection in you. Lord, cover him fully in the spiritual armor that you have given to us: with your truth as his belt, with your salvation as his helmet, with the shield of faith, and breastplates of righteousness, with the gospel of peace as shoes for his feet, and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.

Lord, let him be protected at all times with your full armor. So that he can defeat any temptations from the evil one, so that he can detect and defeat any schemes from the devil, so that not only he can defend but can also fight for you for your kingdom Lord, to regain lost ground to win back lost souls. Lord, protect him so that as he battles for you, he will be fully covered and protected in your precious blood so that he won't get hurt along the way, so that at the end of the battle he can still stand firm in you. Lord, surround him with your angels, protect him under your wings. As he sets out to battle for you Lord, your right hand be with him to defeat the enemy, you open doors for him and smooth out his path. You guide his way so he won't go astray. You send angels to protect him so he won't fall over along the way. Lord, guide him, protect his steps and keep him close to you so he will lead your army in the right way to you and you alone. Let your truth shine on him, always. Let no darkness take any place in his heart or in his life. Let there be no place left for the evil one in his life for in your light, there is no darkness. Let your light light up his whole life, his whole self. As he sacrifice his whole life for you, Lord, you'll give him the crown of honour. Lord, and you have much much more richness in life, that otherwise we can never imagine in our life. Because he prepares to give up his life for you, so you'll give him much more than what he could otherwise hope for. For you are the TRUTH, the LIGHT , and the LIFE.

Yes Lord, continue to protect him and keep him under your wings. And I thank you, lord, for preparing so rich and wonderful a life for him. For such wonderful promises you have offered and you will honour for this child. For he is your beloved son. For you love him, a lot. For he is dear to your heart. Lord, I thank you for him. Lord, I thank you for sui. May your blessings continue to pur out onto him for whichever way he goes, you will be with him and your blessings are so many that his house or his life won't be enough to hold. Lord, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your love for him. Thank you for your blessings for him and how they will overflow to others, to may others. So that many, many can feel your love and be regained, to you. Lord, thank you.

ah Keung

Lord, and thank you for giving me such strong 感動 especially to pray for ah Keung. Lord, you really, really love him. You really really love him. You love him so very much exactly because he has been thru so much ups and downs in his life. Exactly because he has once fallen so far away from you, so you love him even more so as to mend those broken parst in him. Exactly because he felt so much hurt from church before, so Lord you wanna love him more to heal those parts. Lord, oh Lord, you love him so, you love him so. And you are all ready and all prepared to heal him, to give him a brand new heart, to wash him off all bitterness. Lord, you have prepared a new life for him. Yes once and for all you have prepared a new life for us to put on, and on going you will just keep cleansing us for we continue to get dirt from this world. Lord, you'll just keep cleansing us, keep cleansing us so we can all be holy in you.

Lord, and you have already prepared all these for ah keung. Lord, not only that you'll cleanse him and heal him and you're going to raise him and use him, and use him big! Lord, you have great plan for him. It's only up to him now to choose to let go of his past and to step into your cleansing stream to get cleansed and to get the blessings and power you have prepared for him. For you have great plan prepared for him, for you have great things for him to do. Let go of all the bitterness. Let go of all the unworthiness. Let go of how he sees himself from himself but he needs to see himself thru your eyes Lord! He needs to see himself in glory and worthiness and in power and in love in You, Lord! In you he's good and perfect! Oh Lord please please please show this to ah Keung, so he can see how worthy he is in your eyes. How he is the apple in your eye i.e. 眼中的瞳仁 i.e. Your favourite beloved son. Yes Lord you said, we are no longer servant no longer 奴僕, but in Christ we are your sons and daughters, in Christ we 同作後嗣. Lord, let ah keung be cleansed in you, once again. Let him see his true self in you.

Lord, Jesus, in your name I renounce all those lies that the evil one has placed in ah Keung's mind and heart. Lord Jesus, in your name I order all these lies be removed but only your truth to fill ah Keung's mind and heart. Open his eyes so he can see it clearly, how glorious he is in your eyes, in your kingdom, and how powerful he is for he is to do great thing for you Lord. For he is to do great thing for you. Lord, open his eyes as you said, you came to set the captive free and you came so that the blind can see. Lord, set him free and let him see. Lord, ob Lord. You love him so. Let him know, lord, let him know. Let him know. Fill his heart with your love Lord. Open his eyes so he sees himself as from your eyes. Remove the lies that blind him. Lord.

I really feel that Holy Spirit is very strong in my heart, urging me to pray for ah Keung. I know this is what our dearest heavenly father has in His heart for him. I can really feel his aching love for him. I still feel this strong need to intercede for ah keung, to really cry out for him, to pray very very hard for him. For him to be set free for him to see the truth, the love, and the glory and power.

Lord I know this is what you have prepared for him. This is what in your heart for him, and I thank you for this, Lord. Thank you for the aching love you have for him. The emotion is so strong, my Lord. You love him so so so very much.

As Wesley's Assistant

Another thing Lord has revealed to me that I need to repent and pray about, is for me to be Wesley's assistant.

Yes we have been always saying how Wesley is the head of the household and the head for me. But I don't think I have taken this thought deep deep down into myself and to honour Wesley as such.

My Lord has revealed it to me. Thru the prayer from the sisters yesterday during our Sunday school, and also this morning. Yes I may be more outspoken and talk more, but still, Wesley is the head and the leader. Just like Aaron to assist Moses, I am to assist Wesley in whatever God has assigned us to do.

It's so great. Thank you Lord, thanks for revealing this truth to me. Although I still don't know how it will work, I pray to you that I will obey and pray to you to reveal your will to both of us. Lord, what I have felt for so far is the ministry at marketplace, while Wesley feels very strongly the role you have given him in the family, as the head. And also how important family is in your kingdom.

Lord, I don't know how these two areas be connected, but I know you know and it's all in your hand. Lord, please let us know when it's the good timing. Lord, let us know how we can serve you together, as one body. Lord, let me truly be submissive to Wesley and be supportive as THE assistant you have prepared for him. Let me assist him in our family. Let me assist him in whatever way or task you will send him. Lord, let me find that particular position in your kingdom that is to be his “rib”.

Lord, in you are wonderful wonderful plans for us. Please reveal to us where that right spot is for us in your plan, together, as one body.

Lord, help me to have a submissive and obedient heart. So that I will truly respond to Wesley so – no more “gi-li-gu-lu” at the back or in my heart. No more disagreement deep down. But all things, for all things, as He leads me and the family in your way, let me be submissive and supportive. Lord, and when there is doubt, let me pray and pray and pray for him so that he will remain in your way. So that he can lead the whole family in the right way in you. Lord, you are the God for our family. You are the head of our head. Lord, in you I put our whole family, in you I put Wesley. Thank you Lord. Thank you.
Lord, thank you so much. I feel your spirit so strongly, that you do appreciate this prayer. That you'll have lots and lots of blessings for us for the family as I choose to obey to you to see my role clearly as Wesley's assistant and to be submissive to whichever way you show me. Lord, yes it opens the door for your blessings, to me, but not just to me, but also to Wesley, our family, but also to many others, many others. And you said it's the way it should be! That the man to be the head of the family. It is THE WAY it SHOULD BE from the first place! Yes, it's just going back to your order, Lord. The order that you've set long, long time ago.

Going back, to continue to pray for what God wants us to do in this area, how we can work for Him in this area, how we can be others' blessings. To continue to pray, to pray for young couples around us, to pray for new families around us. To pray for Joe and Pauline, to pray for shun and cecil. To continue to pray to our Lord for a clear way on what we need to do for these people. For what His will is for us to do. In the mean time, continue to pray and pray and pray for them.

To share with them: how two people love in our Lord? How to be husband and wife in our Lord? How to have Jesus as the Lord of our family? How to have the husband as the head? How a man should shoulder that responsibility? How the wife to be submissive and supportive to him? How to be one body in Him? What's so special of becoing husband and wife in our Lord?

Yes Lord, you have put this 感動 in my heart too. Family. Family in you. Family.

Thank you Lord. When we obey and get quiet in front of you, you will definitely reveal your will to us. Family. Thank you Lord.

How to do? What to do? Lord, we'll pray about it. Pray more about it so we can understand. Please reveal your will to us. So we can follow. Lord, we'll pray more and we'll pray more about it.


The room I was assigned in Bethany is “Esther”.

Esther is a special biblical character to me. To me, she represents God's special plan for me in the marketplace. Esther was placed in a special position, as Queen of that large kingdom, to do great work for our Lord. To me, once again today, seems that God is telling me that He has indeed placed me at a special position to do great work for him. And just like Esther, I need to make up my mind, to follow our Lord and do what I ought to do.

What is it that I need to do for our Lord at my position in CX? I don't have a clear answer at this point. I think, it may be related to what sui has been challenging me to think about. Whether I am now fallen back to the area A/ area B thinking mode?

What I do believe:

That all the work I do, I do them with a heart to serve my Lord. So I do it wholeheartedly, wish it work, treat it as a task my Lord has entrusted me to do.

I believe my Lord's way is the BEST way. That no matter what I do, I need to do it in His way, following His teaching, the principals that He has taught us to follow. It not only affects me, but it also affects others: for in us they see how we live out a life that representing Christ. If we swing, we lost our witness and it becomes the stumbling blocks for others to follow Christ. And that'd be v bad. (a side story with Brian on R7s tkt distribution...need to write it down before I forget!)

Having said the above, would ALL the things that I do with an explicit causal relationship to God's great plan? At this point in time, I don't think so. e.g. For Rugby 7s – can it be linked to God's great plan? Or the 60th roadshow, can it be? Well actually, thinking about it more, may be it's not the case that “there cannot be”. Rather, I haven't really tried to think that way, or prayed that way, or I feel that I didn't know how to do it that way.

I'm sure that if it's on myself alone I won't be able to do it that way! With myself alone I couldn't even finished a brief from the earthly sense. But if Lord can give me wisdom to finish an earthly brief as I pray for it, God can certainly reveal His will to me to do things on earth in CX but also be part of His great plan, isn't it?

Lord, I still don't know how to do it. But you know! And you can! Lord, I pray to you that I don't just see task at hand from the earthly sense but also see them with my spiritual eyes opened. Lord, for whatever will you have for such plans, please enlighten me and reveal your will to me. Lord,Jesse said your will is simple and shouldn't be tough for us to do. I think there is moment it applies and moment it doesn't apply, istn't it? Lord, I do believe that in no matter which case, you won't need us to do things in the dark or tell lies in order to do “your” thing – it just violates your nature! But I do think that, Lord, sometime what you ask us to do may not be easy things. Sometime there may still be tough way we need to go thru and tough decision we need to make along the way. We need to be clear and determined to follow your way, all through. Lord, I have determined to do so. Lord, I wanna follow you, I wanna be obedient to you. Lord, if there is anything in my life that's hindering me to hear you clearly to hinder me from getting closer to you, please reveal them to me, and help me repent and renounce them, so I can once again be restored in you. Lord, I fthere is anything blinding me, please help me to get rid of them so I can see you, clearly. So I can then obey you and continue to walk in your way, walk in your path.

Lord, I still don't know what I can do for you at work as in my MKT position. But I give this to you. I give this to you, Lord. I give this to you so you can tell me what it is and what it isn't. Instead of me juding. Lord, because you are my Lord. You are Lord of my whole life, you are Lord of my job of my work also. Lord, Let me be your Esther. Let me be an obedient Esther – not the one in the first round thinking only of her own self and the dangers ahead. Lord, let me be the Esther that finally emerged in the book – an Esther who does not look at the negative side of things, the Esther who sees that Lord you are in control of all things, an Esther who sees the positive, the can do, an Esther who will do what you have asked her to, an Esther who does not care for her own safety or own benefit, but only looks at you and you alone. And as Esther believes in you, you will provide me as you provide her with flavor, with wisdom, with method and tactics and success so your will can be done. Lord, let me be your Esther. Let me be a useful tool for your use. Let me be part of your great plan. Thank you Lord.

Retreat Day in Bethany

In beginning of the year I made this promise to our Lord that each month of the year, I will take one day leave and spend time just with Him. - Actually, I don't think I have really “made” this promise earlier. I was so hesitant. I just said sth like “I'd try to do it”, without any commitment, fearing that I could not do it and failing our Lord. But then, if I have never made up my mind, how could it come true? The first step for it to really happen is for me to make up my mind first. So here I am, and I have firmly decided to make this promise to our Lord and that with His help, I'd be able to do it.

And if I can be here today, I think it's a pretty good sign of determination that I wanna continue to do it! Because the Rugby 7s is coming up this weekend and actually there are still quite a bit of work to do – frankly I am quite nervous and I know the fleshly/ earthly side of me would much prefer to sit in the office, deep inside of me I know I need to get away and get myself cleansed in our Lord. And really, what I need to do better for future months is just better planning and to set a day well in advance so me and the team can prepare accordingly!

Any how, here I am in Bethany on Cheung Chau Island. The first 2 quiet days of the year I spent at home, but this time, I really want to have a “real” quiet time with our Lord. And I don't wanna get tempted by all the work stuff or internet stuff or TV stuff or any other stuff at home. So I went away to Bethany, a retreat place for missionaries, church workers or Christians alike, on Cheung Chau.

It's a really nice place – cosy, quiet, warm, welcoming, close to the nature. It reminds me of the home I grew up with in Ku Tung, Sheung Shui, with mosquito net etc, and also the swings in playground. I really like that old home. And the air is so much better here I haven't sneezed at all.

This is the first time I come to Berthany. And God is really nice – He sent me Tes and Paul when I was finding my way up last night. So Paul accompanied me up. Otherwise it could be quite tough for me, especially in the dark!

I think I haven't done too much here, but slept really well and try to relax and enjoy my time with our Lord. It's luxurious to sleep for over 10 hours! Though I slept a lot and it's only a short stay I have here, there are precious things that God has told me and that I pray about and I do wanna remember. They'll be in subsequent posts of today.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Weekly Prayer (11)

This week I am not doing too well - instead of going away to pray during lunch time on Tue, I stayed at my desk to work. So sorry, Lord, I "airplaned" you again, skipping our appointment! I felt bad. But then, Lord, you know my weaknesses and I thank you for forgiving me, as always, and to cleanse away my sins as soon as I turn to you and confess to you. Thank you Lord. And I know you are helping me to do away with these not so ideal qualities in my life so I can be closer and closer to you. Thank you Lord.

Lord, may I first pray for SIC. Lots of things happening and lots of things developing. Lord, thanks for the long chat with Pastor Helen last night. It's great to be able to share with her what's happening in my life and in CCF.

Lord, and thanks for opening up the door for a new group for me. I heard you, there's something about leadership thing in my heart, in my life that I need to deal with. And I know you will reveal it to me and help me out as well. Thank you Lord. There is so many things you fill my hearts with - I wonder if just one quiet day on Monday is enough!

And Lord I also thank you for the Cleansing Stream seminar. The more I go into it the more I feel your work thru it. It's really wonderful. And it's great to hear from Helen that even more wonderful things are to be done during the day camp. Also, not just me but many brothers and sisters' lives are being "cleansed" during the course as well. Lord, really see that you are using this tool to revive and release many. Thanks so much. Please I pray to you let SIC be one part of your body be revived and lighted up so we'll be a church burning with passion for you, to fulfill our role in your kingdom. Not just one or two or a few of us but the whole church!

Lord, please guide us. Please give Pastor Mok, Pastor Helen, Pastor John, Pastor Wong wisdom and protection, vision and mission. Lord, be their leader so they can lead us following you. Shepherd them so they can shepherd to us all. But of course, my Lord, the great thing about you have come sacrificed for us is that now each of us can come to you direct! Lord, you are our God and our Shepherd and our Comforter.

Lord, I would also like to pray for CCF. Yes it's "something", as sui puts it. Lord, I thank you for pouring out so many blessings to CX over the years. It's really quite something to have a fellowship within the company for over some 15 years! Lord, this is your grace. And I also pray to you for all those brothers and sisters who came before us, for they have laid down the spiritual foundation here in CX, so that we can continue to expand your kingdom here in this company, in the marketplace.

My Lord, please continue to lead us and guide us for the way forward. I believe there is even more that is to happen. Lord, yes, your kingdom should come to CX, not in a distant future but something that we need to respond to, now.

Lord, for CCF specifically I pray for all the core team members, including myself. Lord, please let us fill with your Holy Spirit. Protect our hearts so they remain pure and clean so we can hear your voice. Let us remain obedient so when we hear you, we'll respond and obey you asap. Lord, let us not do things "human" way or "earthly" way or "fleshly" way or "our own" way. Lord, we may have different views and different opinion at times, but please let us be all UNITED in you, to fix our eyes on YOU, and to follow you relentlessly. Lord, guide our steps and lead our way, so that CCF will be going to the direction you want us to go, instead of going astray.

Lord, I also pray to you for the new program/ new structure and the vision shared. Lord, I don't know how the whole group felt as they were so quiet on Thursday. And even myself didn't feel too enlightened then - may be, it's a bit too much practical thing so we didn't feel your presence that much. Lord, please help us. It's not project plan or departmental meeting, it's something from YOU! It should be done in your way but not this world's way. Lord, we, and I, may have failed to do that or bring that msg out. Lord, I thus put this to you in prayer. Lord, yes I know. We go out and sow and work on the ground and water etc., but YOU are the one who makes plants grow. Lord, and sometime, often times, I don't farm that well. Teach me, Lord, please continue to teach me, and us. So we'll do better and better in you, closer to your heart than anything else on earth.

Lord, one last thing, is for the evangelical meeting on 6APR. Lord, I pray to you for smooth preparation for the meeting. And may I give praise again for the dedication of Frank - every time he invites his pastor and churchmates to come he has to take leave and drive them to CX City! Lord I thank you for the passion I see in his heart. It's so encouraging, Lord. It's so great to see you light up people's lives and hearts for you. The same is true for Susanna - one can really see her shine in you, enjoying your love and presence. Same for Lydia, too, of course. Lord, thanks so much. Thanks so much.

And I must confess, Lord, sometime this thought will come to my mind how my role was to light them up in CCF - that because of ME that they got lighted up again. Lord, please help me to guide my mind - the battlefield. Lord, I know that thought was not true because, if anyone's life is changed at all, of course it's because of YOU! Lord, only you can change people's lives, people's hearts. If I was used as the tool or as the tube along the way, I would be most happy because I could be of use in You. But no, it's not about me, it's just about You, my Lord. All glory is unto you, my Lord. Sometimes I might indeed agree to such thought, Lord. Please forgive me. And I renounce such thought - it is not true and by bringing it to you, Lord, you'll break it away from me so such thought will no longer have impact or influence on me. Lord, you'll restore me in you. Restore me so that I can just serve you with a pure heart, get cleansed, again.

Lord, and continue for the 6APR gathering, please also fill Stephen and Mori and their worship team with your Holy Spirit, so that when they come worship and share, all the audience can feel your presence there. Lord, let all the audience be touched by you. Lord, let them experience your TRUTH your LIGHT your LOVE, first hand. Lord, I pray to you to prepare the hearts of all those Christians in CX, so they will invite non-believer colleagues to come. Lord, I also pray to you for the hearts of all those non-believers, pray that their hearts will be softened and that they will come. And when they come, your Holy Spirit can work on them directly.

Lord, in particular I wanna pray for John Sieu, Anthony Yeung, Winnie Wong, Melody Keung, Manual Tsang, Susan Liao, Ian Shiu, Frank Yu. I would like to invite them to the function on the 6APR. Please prepare their hearts.

Lord, and may I pray for the fellowship that will take place today in Vision. Lord, you have a plan for Vision and popo. May your will be done. May your kingdom come. Lord, pray that your Holy Spirit will fill each of our hearts, so that when we get to know this group of young people, your love can flow thru us to reach them. Yes, Lord, the only reason that popo can come true and in fact for us to be able to popo, to love at all, is because of you. There is no unconditional love from the world or just from us. You are the only source and without you, there is no other way.

Lord, I pray for this group of young people. Lord, you have selected them and they have chosen to responds to you. Bless them, Lord. Pour out your blessings to them. Help them to hear you clearly. Help them to make the right decision in life - Lord, I know you'll never make decision for any of us, but please, when they seek you, let them find you. That's your promise in Bible and I know you'll make it come true. For this group of young people I pray.

Lord, thank you so much. Last but not least, please prepare both Wesley and me and in fact all other classmates of the Cleansing Stream course to prepare our hearts and our lives for the upcoming camp. Lord, in particular I pray for all those who have not yet finished their homework. Lord, pray to you that they can enjoy it, rather than seeing it as a task to complete. Let them encounter yourself when they do the homework. Let your spirit work in them. Lord, in particular I pray for Joyce, Irene, and Priscilla and also Winnie. So that God you will help them to set aside time to enjoy this homework time with you. Lord, I also pray to you for the whole group (Joyce, Lydia, Irene, Priscilla, Winnie, KY, myself) and also Wesley's group (Wesley, Lap bon, Calab, Kent, Anna's Wesley), and also all other brothers and sisters attending this course. Lord, protect us during this spiritual warfare time before we go to the camp. Let us be covered and protected by Jesus' precious blood so no attack or distraction from the evil one will prevail. Lord, let us put on your spiritual warfare outfit and win the battle, and still standing afterwards.

Thank you Lord. It's great to pray. It's great talking to you, always!

Lastly, please prepare my heart for the quiet day on Monday. This is the first time I went away from home to do it. Lord, and I've already got so many things from you that you wanna talk to me about ! It's great. I just so look forward to spend time with you, quietly, single-mindedly, just us. Lord, please prepare my heart because there are many random thoughts in my mind, recently, a symptom of stress and too many undone work. But Lord, in your hand I place all these. Give me wisdom to handle and to guide my mind so when I don't need to work on them, they won't come to my mind. And when I have quiet time with you, I can have my FULL self in you, wholeheartedly.

Once again thank you Lord. Thank you for you're a wonderful God. Only in you there's true joy and peace in life.

In name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Weekly Prayer (10)

Pray and Think first:

1. Helen
- bless ber
- find her place in you, Lord
- not to be distrated by other things thta you have not planned for her to do
- to be our leader, lead us to the right direction, lead us to you Lord

2. Alpha in CX
- your will or my will?
- got this msg from you several time: it's from You
- blessing
- prepare workers: I really need 同工 on this
- prepare the non believers: prepare their hearts to come an djoin

3. overall direction for SIC
- the role of SIC in your kingdom Lord, to pray, to worship, and missionary
- lord, help our pastors and leaders in our church to see it clearly and to stick with the vision you've given us.
- help SIC to really be what you have intended she to be

- blesss and protect them, give them a clean and clear heart so they can hear you clearly.
- let no judgement or pride steal the way into their heart
- let there be love, unity, and 彼此順服 not only among the bros sis there but also with SIC too
- Lord, lead them and use them, for your army.


Good morning my Lord.

It seemed to me didn't work too well - this new flow of prayer time in you. I think I'll revert to the format that we've been using, i.e. type everything down!

Lord, you are the one to be praised. You are the lord Almighty and you are worthy for all praise. For you are GREAT! For you are REALLY GREAT! It's only in your truth and in your light and in your love, that we find real life. That only in you it's possible to have such joy and peace in life. Lord, for that I thank you again. Because if it's not for your love to us and that Jesus has died for our sin, we could never enjoy this intimacy, this true life, in you. Thank you Lord.

Lord, today I especially fill for prayer for Helen, SIC, as well as the VIS/VIC team. Lord, there are so many things taking place. And I can see all those conflecting points. Lord, but I believe you are to do new things. Lord, you will do new things! And so I thing, though it's a bit tough and friction in the beginning, God you know everthing and if's already in your hand whether and how it will work and go forward. For that I thank you.

Lord, I pray for Helen so that she will continued be blessed by you. Lord, I pray to you that Helen is clear and stick with what you've put into her heart:L how she felt for prayer or intercession and how she is also tasked to 重修毀壞的祭壇 thru prayer and intercession. Lord, let her hold on to the vision you've given her tightly. Lord, let her see that for those tasks that she feels she needs to take care of or she has to do, but not necessarily related to the vision you showed her, let her know that you have already prepared and that they'll be taken care of accordingly, if and when she's ready to let you do it. Lord, let her hear you clearly so she can be our leader, to lead us closer and closer to you. Let the thoughts that're not from you depart from her, either from her flesh or the wicked one. Lord, fill her, fill her with your love, and fill her with your vision. so not only us in SIC will be blessed but also your whole kingdom.

Lord, associated iwth this is the prayer for the whole church and other pastors and leaders in our church. Lord, let us humble ourselves in front of you, to seek you and you alone. Lord, let SIC be what you have intended her to be. Lord, help us to hold tight to the vision you have given us - to be a church of prayer and intercession and worship and missionary.

Lord, I am not wise and I don't know the answer. On one hand I can see the importance of your truth in bible and the importance of teaching it or studying it - you know how truly I enjoy knowing your Word better! But then, I also don't know if the way it's now done in SIC is the right way for us or for the new joiners, or if it's the way you want. And I also don't know how wl the plan in VIS or from Keung or for the popo-ers will work out. Lord, I know I won't know so I pray to you. Lord, let that be your will but not my will. Lord, let your Kingdom comes and your Will be done. Lord, I pray to you to give each of us a humble and obedient heart, and open ears so we can hear you clearly. Lord, please guide us and show us and walk with us the path that you've set for us. As usualy, Lord, pls walk by us, step by step. Let there be no judgement or anger or pride or self-rightous. But to let us move on in love, and unity in you, and to humble ourselves and with obedience to you and to one another too.

Lord, Finally may I pray for the Alpha COurse for CX. Lord, I am once again puzzled because I think it should be a team work, instead of just me rushing along. But Lord, thanks for reminding me that indeed, indeed, you've told me several times already that it needs to take place, and, 莊稼熟了. Lord, and you've actually reassured me and with Mary and that we can and should start, even if some onthers didn't know or didn't decide to move on with it.

Lord, as such, I ask for your double and triple protection, leadership, and blesssing to this course. Lord, please give strength and wisdom to me and Mary as we start preparing for the course. Please send more workers to the field to collect your harvest. Lord, please also bless Eva so she can be part of it. And any other workers, Lord, that you've already asked them, please soften their hearts and let them see how big a blessing it can be for themselves, Lord you always give in this way. Lord, bring some more workers to us, especially male workers to lead the group.

Lord, please protect the preparation work going forward. The training. And the workers, and the hearts of potential joiners. Lord, please start your great work in their heart and attract them. Lord, let us continue to do 鬆土 work in others' life so that when the course starts, they'd be interested to join and to know more about you and ultimately, not only believe in you but also follow you as 門徒

Lord, thanks a lot. It's always, always so good to have such quiet time in you. Lord, I may not have the spiritual gift of intercession but let me still, put in my little bit. So I can be part of the team and the plan to lift up our bros and sis, to lift up our church, and to God your great plan in salvation to all. Lord, thanks for letting me join you in prayer.

In name of Jesus Christ I prayed. Amen.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Weekly Prayer (9)

Lord my dear Lord,

Thank you so much, my lord, for a great quiet time in you this morning. Lord, it's just sooooooooooo important to have good quiet time in you, Lord. I really really enjoy it.

My dear Holy Spirit, thanks for being here, thanks for being with me, and in my heart. It's so sweet to have you around. It's so great to fill your presence. Oh Holy Spirit, please continue to fill me and fill my day. Please continue to encourage me and protect my steps in you.

My Lord, you are so faithful and you always, always answer our prayer if we pray in faith. Lord, thank you. Thank you.

Lord, and it's such blessing from the Cleansing Stream course and material. Even by reading thru the material again this morning, I once again feel my spirit is lifted up and once again being brought close to you. It's just such good reminder on how we can continue to walk in the spirit, and to commit our lives fully to you.

1. APR 6
Lord, I pray to you for the evangelical event which CCF has planned for 6APR. Lord, please help lead us to make preparation and arrangement for it. Please guide our steps and our ways. Lord, please also anoint Stephen and Mori who will come speak that day. Lord, anoint them so they will speak with your wisdom, with your message, not to their will but to your will. Lord, please also encourage our brothers and sisters to bring new friends that day. Lord, please encourage us all to pray for the event. Please also prepare the hearts of those who will be invited. Lord, please prepare their hearts so they will say yes, keep their promise, and come with an open mind, and to accept Jesus Christ. Lord, in particular I would like to pray for my friends here, hope they can come on the day: Ian, Anthony, John, Winnie, Jimmy, Louise, Mimi, Elise, Helen, Anna, Manual, Tommy Kwok, Wilson Kwan, Sonia, Mellissa, Susan Liao, Caroline, Frank. Lord, I also pray for these brothers and sisters and hope that not only themselves would come, but also bringing others: May, Teresa, Brian, Michael, Eddie, Tommy Tham, Jeff, Louise, May, Eva. Lord, please anoint us all with your fire in spirit, so we are all geared up to serve you and spread the gospel.

2. CCF Sharing session
Lord, please help me to fight against the lazy heart and/or the passive heart. I have taken up the responsibility so I need to do it. Lord please give me strength and let me have good self discipline to do so, to serve you. Lord, please help me with my very bad habit. I think, I am actually confident that in you, I can win this battle! In you I can change and become a better person, closer to what JC would be when he was in town.

3. My job
Lord, I'd also like to pray for my job and the work involved. Especially the 60th stuff. Lord, I know you love me and you care for me and you provide for me. There will never be a task which you have entrusted to us is too big for us to do - you will give us the required ability accordingly! So Lord, may I come in front of you and ask for the wisdom and good ears, so I can hear you clearly and only to do those what you've asked me to do - and when I'm not doing that particular thing which you've asked about, I will be reminded by HS to follow your voice and to be obedient.

4. MKT
Overall protection for MKT, too, Lord. Please cover us all, all staff at CX MKT, plus CPLP, PR, and also ME team. every body is working very very hard recently, please protect us all in you. Lord, please bless the works done by CX MKT so that it will be blessings to people around. I pray for JB and Charlie and Celine, Lord, please bless them and give them guidance so CX as a whole can be pleasing to you.

5. Senior Management
The same for them too, my Lord. May I pray for PC, Tony, new chairman, other directors, and all the GMs. Lord, please give them wisdom and a submissive heart (think it's more difficult!). Let them see how important to have you in life - YOU ARE LIFE! Lord, I do hope that they can be blessed so that they'll believe in Christ and so they can start changing this company, this marketplace, this city, this world, as well.

6. Class tonight
Apart from CX I'd also like to pray for SIC. Lord, may we hold your name up high for our class at SIC tonight. Lord, please protect the foot steps of all team members and the 3 pastors, so we will all arrive safely, on time, and in good shape. Lord, please give wisdom to Pastor Mok so his teaching is not just "his" teaching on your words, but you, Lord, you indeed teach us thru him.

7. Alpha at CX
Forgot to pray about this one, Lord. Lord, pray to you that your will be done and what you plan to happen, will happen. Lord, please continue to lead the way on this, and how we may prepare for it. Please prepare the hearts of all of us who feel a burden for this course. Please also prepare the hearts of those potential members who'll sign up for the alpha course. Lord, you've shown us how wonderfully you have made use of this tool. Let us adjust our life in response to your calling to see this great blessing falls on to CX, too.

8. This Sunday worship
Lord, thank you for bringing Sherine and B and Yee and may be Cheung Lui as well to Sunday service at SIC this week. Lord, may you prepare their hearts accordingly. Lord, really, we come together to worship you, to sing praise to you, to give thanks to you. Lord, for there are tones and tones of wonderful things you've done in our lives. Lord, may my dear friends and sisters would experience that as well. Lord, may Yee believe in you soon. May those sisters who haven't found the "right church" for themselves find one soon, for you have desired us to get together as Christ's body in the church. We, alone, self reliant, is not what you have wanted us to do. Lord, give s wisdom to understand it also.

9. Groups in CCF
And it leads to another prayer for CCF, too. Lord, we'll start this semi-group structure soon. Lord, please lead us and guide our steps accordingly. Is it what you want us to do? Lord, is it the way to go? You have better idea than us all on how to further grow CCF or what we should do to match with your plan! Lord, please help us all in the core team be alert to your voice, be aware of your will - not our will but yours. Lord, help us to hear clearly so that we won't go astray.

10 Individuals
Lord may I pray for the following individuals, too.

Wesley - to protect him. Lord, so that he won't get lost in LOST! Lord, I've been long-winded enough and I think I've said all I ought to say already (may be too much, already). Lord, may I just come to you in prayer to protect him and Holy Spirit to remind him when it's really too much or if there's any danger, spiritually. Lord, please protect Wesley so he won't be tempted by "眼 目 的 情 慾 " but know that he really needs to love you first but not to love things from this world. But I know he'll be safe in you, Lord. Thank you. And please continue to bless his work and his hands so that all things he has done will be blessings to others.

Alice Lee - Lord, I don't know how things are going at her end. But please, Lord, help her to see the anger that's still in her. Please help her to see the bitterness that's still in her. Please help her to see the hurt that's still in her. Lord, please help her to see those and let go. Yes you have asked us to re conciliate before coming to your altar. Help her to do so, Lord. Yes it may hurt but you'll heal us. Please heal her, Lord. She's your beloved daughter and you want her back, deeply. Let her enjoy the freedom in you with just love, no more hatred or hurt or anger or bitterness.

Yuet Sheung - Lord, I know you'll heal her and you have already healed her a lot. Please continue to take her into your wings and your shield. Please heal her not only physically but deep down inside. There are great things you have planned for her to do, Lord. Let her see how precious and wonderful she is in your eyes.
Ah Shun & Cecilia - Lord, it's just wonderful! what can I say?! Your plan is just perfect. I pray to you that they will enjoy walking in you, TOGETHER, as much or even more so than what Wesley and I have enjoyed.

Thank you Lord. It's good to pray for others and it's good to have such prayer time in you. To give thanks and to sing praise to you.

Hallelujah to my Lord!

In name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekly Prayer (8 - part 2)

Dear Lord,

Here I am again - so sorry that I didn't completed the 1 hour prayer last Sat. I have only finished about 15 min when I was called out for lunch. Lord, sorry about that. I know there should be no excuse and that I do need to take this appointment with you seriously - not to "airplane", not to be missed, not to be late. Just like what I'd do with any friend or person that I treasure meeting. Lord, I will make better arrangement from now on. In you I have determined. Please help me to do so.

Lord, I so need you today! I know we need to walk in your spirit every day and every step. Just that some time, it feels more needed than other times.

Lord, I feel really stressed and nervous from work. My heart is trembling, my lord. Please help me! You are my Lord, you are my saviour. You are my 避難所, you are my 山寨. Lord, you are the one I depend on. I can come to you for help. You are the one I look up to. Lord, you are the one who comforts my heart.

My dear Holy Spirit. Please fill me. Please comfort my heart when it's in fear. Holy Spirit, please fill me. Please give me wisdom and guide my path as I am finding my way forward.

When looking into you I have strength. When looking and relying upon you I get peace and strength.

Lord, I put everything in your hand. Lord, I put the Rugby things in your hand and I put the 60th things in your hand. By me alone really cannot do, my Lord. Please help me. But with you in me I can do it - or you have prepared someone else to do it? Lord, just let me get quiet and get rest in front of you. Let me hear your voice and wait for you. You said

你們得救在乎歸回安息;你們得力在乎平靜安穩 (賽 30:15)
Lord, and I wait for you. Lord, only in you that I can get peace and get strength and get saved.

Lord, thank you. It's much better after praying to you. Your Word is the truth, and is life and is light. Lord, please fill my heart and mind and soul with your words.

Lord, may I also pray for SIC again before I go today.

Apart from Helen, Lord, please continue to heal and protect Yuet Sheung. You are worthy of all praises and you are most faithful as we have seen how you have already healed her and she now feels much better. Lord, please continue your good work in her life, not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually, so that she's ready and free to do what bigger plan you have for her. Know that she'll go take another chest X-ray again soon, Lord please give your blessings to her so it will be good result.

Lord, may I also pray for Pastor Mok. Lord, as he leads SIC he is most prominent and prompt for attack from the wicked one. Lord, please protect him and with JC's precious blood, please cover him. Lord, please give him wisdom to lead the church. Please give him good ears and a quiet heart so he hears your voice clearly when leading the church. Please also give him a gentle heart and a controlled tongue, so he can work with others in the SIC team in harmony and in love. Lord, please also protect and pour out your blessings for his family, too.

Lord, understand site for the day camp for the Cleansing Stream course is already found. Please guide and protect the preparation work for the retreat camp. Lord, please also protect and prepare us - all group members, group leaders, church leaders, helpers... every one, to prepare our hearts for God you will do great work there at the retreat camp. Lord, prepare me, so I can be ready for you to work on, and that I can be renewed and more and more, to walk in you. More and more.

Lord, may I thus pray for KY our group leader. To protect her health and work. Lord I also pray for other team members in Group 3: Winnie, Irene, Lydia, Joyce, Priscilla. Lord, pray that we'll all continue to follow the course, do homework so as to get closer to you, get clear up ourselves, so as to be really healed and freed and renewed in you.

Lord, last but not least I praise you for the wonderful set up you've orchestrated at Vision Creations. Your wisdom is high above ours, and whom on earth can be your counsel? Lord, we can just be amazed and praise the wonderful thing you have done. May your name be praised and your kingdom come. Lord, may we be part of the plan to bring it true.

Lord, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You are to be praised and you are to be worshiped. Hallelujah.

In name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.