Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Weekly Prayer (12)

Dear my Lord,

Today is a busy day! Not only from work but also during this lunch time prayer, too. THere is the retreat camp for the Cleansing Stream seminar coming, also need to pray for SIC, and there is the evangelical gathering on coming Thursday in CX... lots of things.

But before all those, my Lord, let me sek you first. Let me get quiet in front of you, and to seek you first, my Lord. You are the most important. Our individual relathip wih you is the most important. Once we get a close relatinship with you, the rest will be sorted out.

Lord, thank you. And thank you for letting me see this from your perspective. Thank you for remijnding me so I won't get lost.It's so easy for us to be carried away, my Lord. That with many things happening around us we'd soon get lost and didn't know what we're doing or where we're going or why we are doing so. Lord, Holy Spirit, please remind me always so I'll fix my eyes on Jesus Christ. So I won't get lost or go astray.

Lord, let me first pray for the retreat camp. Lord, hope you appreciate the fasting that I take on this week. I like meat, you know, and I think it's good that everytime I wanna eat meat I am reminded of what I am fasting for. Lord, let me not think of my body first. Let me not think of the fleshly or earthly desires first. For you Lord, what's so big a deal not to eat meat for a few days? Just to let me 攻克己身 叫身服我. Let my body know Lord, only you and the spirit should be the master.

And for the lunch time this week, although not that many days I can quietly have time with you, I still think it's good thing to do. Lord, just like now. It's great to be able to talk and type to you.

Lord, please prepare my heart and prepare wesley's heart for the camp. Lord, let us be filled with your spirit. Let us really walk in your spirit and commit ALL AREAS of our life to you, before, during, and after the camp. Lord, may your presenence be with us then and to touch us, and to see thru us, and to reveal to us any sins that were still hiddden, hidden in our stuff, hiddden in our self. Lord, I pray that you'd come to free us from the devil's grip. Lord, let us prepare our hearts, so that when you are to free us, we'll be ready.

Lord, as we choose to walk into your cleansing stream, you promise you'll clean us. Lord, as we walk in, please reveal to us what we've sinned and help us to repent and renounce, and revive us in you.

Lord, not only I pray for myself and wesley, but also other brothers and sisters attending the course. Winnie, Irene, Joyce, Lydia, Priscilla and KY from my group. Kent, the other Wesley, Lab Bon, Calab and Raymond in Wesley's group. Also other bros and sis like Cody, Nancy, Anita, Kody and her husband, Caroline. Lord please pour out your blessings to them as well.

Especially I pray for all the group leaders and the intercessors who'll be joining the camp this week end. Lord, you'll bless them as they're so faithful and so willing to serve. Lord, please anoint them with your oil so that when they come back and minister to us, we'll also be blesssed. Protect them Lord, so they won't fall from the fire arrow or any other attack from the evil ones. Lord, give them your spiritual armor so they can stand firm, before and during and after the battle.

Lord, my dear holy spirit, please fill me up! pleaehelp me to keep my mind focus on you. so that I can dedicate this hour solely to you my Lord.

And I pray for SIC your church. Lord, there are lots of development and as Pastor Mok said, the atmosphere now is quite different from before. Lord, please lead our way. This is your church and you have special plan for it. Please reveal it to us. Please let us know how we need to prepare so we can be ready when you reveal your plan. Lord, revive us. Let more brother s and sisters burn their passion for you. Let us get excited and passionate about your work, your kingdom,

Finally, Lord, as we prayed about it this morning, please attract and prepare people's hearts for the evangelical function on Thursday. Lord, it's such a big harvest field here in marketplace, in Cathay. Lord, let us be a good worker and collect your harvest for you, so many more are to be saved here and transforming this company, this workplace to one that's pleasing to you.

Lord, I still don't know how to do it. I still can't see clearly how a big party like Rugby or the big party for our 60th celebration can be linked to you, to your teaching, directly. Lord, however please let me mind keep open. Please keep my hearts opened so that when you reveal this mysterious link to me, I'll see and I can hear. Not my mind or my thought to take the lead, but you, my Lord, you do.

You said when we come to you humbly you'll reveal to us 又大又難的事. And it's also true that your wisdom is higher than our wisdom, your road is higher than our road. So Lord, I just need to look up to you, and keep listening.

Lord, I look forward to the next step in your great plan. I'm so proud to be part of it Lord. It's really the joy of life to be in you. Nothing can compare with you, Lord. Nothing. And thanks for loving us so much so we can come back to you.

In name of Jesus Christ I pray. amen.

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