Sunday, December 04, 2005

at17 concert

In at17's concert today, I once again experienced the great love from God. They were singing “才女” then. I held Wesley's hand, and knowing that, it's great blessing from God that we've got one another. I'm so very very grateful.

BTW, the concert was very, very good. The atmosphere was so good in Shouson Theatre. It was a small theatre – it was good exactly because it was so small. You could see Ellen and Eman so up close. You didn't really feel that they were on stage and you were off stage. Instead of a performance, it was more like experiencing their music, together.

The only regret was, we were not allowed to take any pictures during the concert. So I could not put up any pics here to share. Need to wait for them at their own website or hompy then.

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