Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Weekly Prayer (5)

Dear my Lord,

Thanks for bringing me to you again today. Sorry that I am late today – by the time I discovered it was already past 1pm and then with the subsequent discussion with Celine and Elise it was well beyond 1:30pm already. But, truly, I could choose not to continue with that discussion so much so I could get to you much earlier. Sorry about that. And I don’t know, though I did keep asking Holy Spirit but I think I might still have said or done something which you don’t approve fully.

My Lord, I’d first like to pray for #3 in the SIC prayer list: i.e. 興起祭師 分別為聖

Lord, I pray to you to cleanse my mind and motives and tongue and behaviour. Lord, let me really be sanctified so that I can be your 祭師 and serve before you in my every day life. Lord, I know sanctification is a process and it’ll never be completed during our life on earth. Nor that we can do anything on our own. But Lord, I do know that you have great gift for us and you do like to see us embark on this journey – to be sanctified, to be more like you. And you have so many blessings you wanna pour upon us that only if we are really to be purified (more) so that we can accept more from you. Lord, thanks for that blessings and the desire in my heart to live more like you. Thank you Lord. Please continue to have HS in my heart to alert me, whenever I sin, or inappropriate thought or action or attitude or speech is formed in me. Yes as said in Bible, HS will tell us ourselves to repent for sin, for rightousness. Lord, please continue to help me to do so so I won’t be a self-rightous arrogant proud person which is exactly what you DON’T like.

Lord, I pray to you for the same desire for other b/s in SIC to go the same way after you, for a renewed life, sanctified life in you. Lord, because it’s such a blessing to their own life. And because once that get started in a church, your revival and your power would come. Lord, please have HS filled each and every one of our hearts, so that we all cry to you to repent for our own sins and to repent for not fulfilling your rightous way. So that we can come to you.

Lord, I’d also like to pray for #4 as in the prayer list, i.e. 全民皆兵 站好崗位

Lord, it’s so important for us to know who we really are in you. What you have designed and desinated us to do. Lord, it’s more than to just understand what spiritual gifts you have for us, but more, who we truly are in you. Lord, may you give wisdom to us and clarity in our mind, open eyes and a quiet heart so we can see and hear what you’ve been telling us about it. And pls give us an obedient heart so that when we know what we are asked to do, we’ll do according to your will.

Lord, especially to pray for CL for this.

And Lord, I do pray to you about our spiritual gifts. Lord, let us be more aware what great power you have given us when we walk closely and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Lord, let us have a bigger stomach on what spiritual gifts we would wanna receive from you so as to serve you, for your kingdom and to establish one another. Lord, and let us be thankful and clear on what spiritual gifts you have already anionted to us and let us be responsible and faithful as to USE such gifts to serve you lord, and others. I know it’s useless if we just ask for it but don’t put it to use. Even if we once had it but if we don’t keep on using it, we’ll lose it.

Lord, I pray to you for the leadership gift which I once had. Lord I pray to you to revive it and help me to work for you more with it. Lord I pray to you to strengthen my healing gift – most importantly not only to heal myself, or even just my family members, but also others. Let it be a great tool to spread and share the gospel. Lord, let me continue to have the gift to give, but to give generously. Lord, I also pray to you for the words of knowledge and words of wisdom so that I can work more for you at work place but also at personal level for others. And last but not least, I want the gift of worship. Lord, and let me do something concrete to make it happen – I wanna do it for you, Lord. It’s just such a great thing to worship you.

And Lord I also pray for the leaders, both in church and at work. For the leaders to be good at division of labour and sending people to do different work but they should all be coordinated and contributed to the same good result. Lord, I particularly pray for my workplace testimony, pray for the vision team, pray for the different teams within SIC, so that things will be coordinated and done in a way which gives glory to you.

Lord, I believe that you have started to do lots of good works in many of our lives. Lord, I thank you for the Cleansing Stream Course for me. I believe many more other b/s also enjoy the blessing and good works you are now doing in their lives. Lord, thank you. Please keep us going as a group, as your trope. Lord, let us be your troup of sharp soilders! Lord, keep us continue in you, renewing in you, being filled with your spirit, walking with you day by day. Lord, and let your blessing and revival and big plan for SIC and the churches in HK and your whole church body on earth arrive. Let us prepare ourselves for that.

Thank you Lord.

In name of Jesus Christ I prayed. Amen.

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