Sunday, February 26, 2006

an amazing day

Today really is an amazing day. So amazing that I don't know how to start, apart from praising our Lord.

It started when I first woke up - I have never experienced such urge in my life before, that I really wanted and needed to get close to God. Though Wesley and I needed to wake up early to attend Sunday School at 9am, I still took half an hour to have some personal quiet time with God before we left home.

There were two verses that specially came to me then. The first one was:

As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.
(Psa 42:1)

And the second one is simply "我的良人" (my beloved) as in 雅歌 (Song), expressing how much love and how deeply I felt for my Lord then. I didn't do much this morning: not much bible, not much prayer. I just felt so deeply that I needed to get close to my Lord and my heart really cried for Him and His presence. Just felt that Holy Spirit really drove me and urged me to get close to my Lord.

On our way back to church, I asked Wesley to pray for me today, as after attending the Sunday School I then needed to leave for a photo shoot for an upcoming ad campaign so I couldn't join Sunday Service today.

When I left for the photo shoot, I got this stirring in me again. I kept praying to God and kept praying and praying. I didn't know why my spirit was stirred so much. I just kept praying, and I prayed for God's presence for the shoot today and his blessings to all those involved today.

By the time I arrived the venue, I felt so strongly that my own prayer was not enough. I didn't know why but I really felt that it was important that God's presence be there today. So I sent an SMS to Wesley and Sui and Gela asking them to pray for us as well. Then I walked into the studio.

God is so faithful. I felt really relaxed and peace of mind when I walked in the studio. And then I also got the very encouraging SMS from Wesley and Sui on how they were praying for me and bless me with God's presence.

The shooting went well and a few of us, from McCann the agency and myself then left for lunch so the production team could prepare for the next shoot.

God has prepared everything already. After lunch and some chit chat chit chat, Sylvester and Sally needed to go back to work with the photographer first, leaving me, Johnny and Cecilia at the restaurant to go back later till they were ready.

And there we were, from a simple question from Johnny, "did Angela have anything to do with your believing in Jesus?" It carried on to be a lengthy heartfelt discussion on Johnny's exploration on his way to God.

Praise our Lord! God has already done so much work in his life! And I have never, ever thought about he would have such thought and needs in his life! But God has already started work in him and I just need to be there to share what wonders what God has done in my own life. It's just that simple but once again, I have experienced God's truly amazing work.

Lord, you are to be praised. You are just awesome! It's so great to be able to join you in your amazing work in people's life. It's just so great to be used by you in saving people's live. My Lord, thanks for preparing me in advance. As you called me to you, I can totally feel that I was fully filled with your presence and your love when I left for the photo shoot today. As the brothers prayed for me, I could truly felt for your presence and the peace and protection from you when I walked into the studio. When Johnny was sharing his thoughts and doubts and past and experiences with me, I could see how much work you have already done in his life and how much you love him and want him back. But at the same time I have also seen how hard Satan is trying to hold him back and to put lies and accusations in his mind to keep him from returning to you. And I have also seen God how you want to use me to encourage Cecilia and to foster her faith in you in walking a life fully, fully in you. Lord, thanks so much. It's just so fulfilling and amazing to be involved in your plan. Ir's truly my honour and your grace to me and I am most grateful for it. Lord, thank you.

And here I pray to you again my Lord, for your protection for Johnny and your guidance to Cecilia. Lord, please have mercy for Johnny and have your Holy Spirit continue to work in his heart. To clear his eyes and heart so he can tell what are the lies that Satan has put into his heart. Lord, he has already seen your love in b/s he has already seen the difference you can make in life. Help me, Lord, help him to make the right decision in his life in choosing you instead of way of the world.

Lord, I also pray to you for Cecilia. Please bless her with the gift of faith from Holy Spirit. Please continue to guide her steps as you have always done in her life. So that she remains on your path, firmly. In every single day and every decision she needs to make in her life, she not thinks of ways of men but ways of You, Lord. Help her to have a full and fruitful life in you. Fill her life with your blessings.

Lord, thanks again for such an amazing day. And thanks for using me in it. And going forward, please give me sensitive ears and obedient heart, so I can hear your voice and be responsive and adjust my life to carry out your great plan.

Thank you Lord. In name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

1 comment:

O Jei Jei said...

Praise the Lord! Thanks Grace for sharing that awesome day with us. God is truely amazing and He is so faithful to His children!