Monday, November 03, 2008

Jesus Rejected at Nazareth - Luke 4:14-30

I have been pondering on this passage for the past few days. I tried to imagine how it all took place when Jesus was in the synagogue, with His bible reading, teaching and all these conversations.

I tried to imagine a 'matter of fact' Jesus - He was not proud nor timid, not flamboyant nor tame. I can't find the right words in English but in Chinese He's probably 不卑不亢 .

I think it works up to the part of his reading the scripture. But frankly, as he continued and started talking about Elijah and Elisha, the 不卑不亢 look is really quite a bit difficult to fit in with his statement! I think his words, while true, are really quite 寸 . I can totally understand why his old neighbors got mad at him after hearing his words.

But Jesus is not supposed to be 寸 , right? I can accept that Jesus is not as tame as we were told in Sunday School. But still, he's not supposed to be 寸 . Then how should I make sense out of this passage? What Jesus is like from this passage? What a person he is as I read from this passage? Or how does this passage fit in the description of Jesus in the bible as a whole?

I have not got the answer yet. I guess I need to keep reading and come back to this point later.

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