Thursday, November 20, 2008

Calling of the First Disciples -Luke 5:1-12

There has been more than one week since my last entry of this study. On one hand it's been a busy week; on the other hand, I got stuck at the Simon Peter's story for a long time.

What has been puzzling me is Simon's reaction to Jesus, after they've got the 'catch of their lives.' He fell at Jesus' feet and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!"

Why? Why this reaction? Yes I can understand he would be surprised and awed and shocked. But why proclaiming his sinfulness and asking Jesus to leave him alone right away? I still can't get it.

By the way, though I don't understand why Jesus 'gave' them this full load of fish (as 'rent' of their boat for the teaching? as a mean to get Simon and his team's attention to 'recruit' them as his disciples?), I still think it's very thoughtful of him to leave this big catch to the disciples' family so they can have enough supply before working out their plan to cover for the 'lost' of the bread earners in their house.

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