Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Shack

'The Shack' was the last book I read in 2009. It was certainly the year end gift I have received from Dear God. As mentioned in the promotional message, in this book, I've met a "God as I've never seen him before". You can read some preview of the book at theshackbook.com

I guess the most important reason I really like this book is that it brought me close to God again. Since the birth of Sum Sum, my spiritual life has been up and down a lot, at the low end for most time because of the much busier life with 2 young kids. But when I was reading this book, once again I feel really close to God and can just talk to Him and Jesus and Holy Spirit, freely, any time. It's the intimacy I always long for but haven't experience for a long time. So I really treasure it.

Apart from that, as I read, I could really feel God's presence in the book. I could feel His presence when He worked these ideas into the author's mind and life. Only if He was there that this book could be written. And I enjoy being part of it, when I know God is there and is working in it and thru it.

One more thing I enjoyed about this book is how vividly it portrait the loving God, and how the 3 Godheads relate to one another, and the love and relationship and the fullness within God Himself. All these things I have known in my mind, but in the book I could feel in my heart, and thus to love and long for my Lord much more.

I enjoyed it so much that I bought 2 copies and gave out as Christmas presents immediately. Hope that you'd like it too.

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