Monday, April 30, 2007

Trip to Melbourne with parents

Just finished a 1 week holiday in Melbourne with my parents. So happy! I have longed for such a holiday for a long, long time. Since the birth of my niece 3 years ago, my parents' travel interest has understandably dropped significantly. Until this time, I worked very hard to persuade them to make this trip - probably my last long trip before my own baby is born.

I really enjoyed this week very much. In fact, I enjoy it very much every time when traveling with my parents since I have grown up. It's not just for being 孝順 but I really do have fun spending time with them. And there's always a special feeling when it's just me alone traveling with them - feel like I'm the only child! In the past I wanted to have such a trip with them every year. Seeing the change of circumstances, I would be v happy if we can make such a trip once every 2 years. May be next time with Wesley also, or even with Tak's family, too!

My dad is always a funny person, and he's still naughty at 62 yo - you can tell by the picture how he jumped up and down of the road side pillars next to the Great Ocean Road arch! Mom is not as naughty - but the chemistry between her and dad is so amazing. It's so fun to look at them to tease each other for "oyster allocation" at meal, or how or who are to pack the luggage. They are just so much fun to be with.

We've spent about a week in and around Melbourne this time - the city, Penguin Parade, Dandenong, Yarra Valley, Great Ocean Road... actually I've been to most places when visiting Melbourne with Wesley few years ago. But it's not the places that I'm going after this time - it's the sweet and relaxing time I gotta travel with my parents that I've been looking forward to. And I'm most happy to see the satisfied smiles on my parents face. I love to see them relax and enjoy - the scenery, the food, the ride, the relaxing time away from home.

And I'm so thankful to Jesus for making it such a special trip! First thing is about mom - she's so "hardworking" she read bible every day during the trip! I really thank and praise our Lord for the seriousness she took in making the decision to accept Jesus Christ into her life. As for father, I was also glad he agreed to join mom and I at church service on Sunday, right before we flied out of Melbourne. And through out the trip he has made many remarks on how he saw God has led his way and our way - from which motel to stay to all the key turning points during his youth. Yes, God indeed loves him so much! And the fact that we gotta pray together before every meal is also an encouragement to me - that Jesus is with us still, even when we are far and away from home.

One night I remember particularly clearly - we stayed at Apollo Bay along the Great Ocean Road that night. It had already started raining that evening. But in the middle of the night, it started raining very heavily and the sound of the wind and rain was pretty scary. I was awaken from sleep. Hearing the sound of the waves from afar and the wind and rain blowing ahead, I was a bit worried - though we have rented a 4WD this time it still felt unsafe to drive in such weather tomorrow, along the coast line! And it's so funny as I was reminded about this part in bible where the disciples were crossing the sea with Jesus, and it was also a very stormy weather. They were very frightened so they woke up Jesus and told him that they were about to die from the storm. I remember how I used to sneeze at them: how little faith and stupid they are! Why would they still feel feared as they're already with Jesus? But this night I felt differently. I felt this fear from bottom of my heart - the fear of the wholesome power of nature, or our Lord, demonstrated by nature, the the wind and rain and storm and wave around me. Suddenly I felt that I could feel the fear in the disciples' hearts. Then I prayed to the Lord, not only for better weather the day after, but also peace in my heart, and also confess the pride I had before.

And our Lord is so faithful! The next day we got a very fine weather to continue our journey on Great Ocean Road.

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