Dear my Lord,
It's so great, just to sit hear, enjoy, and let your presence flow ALL OVER me. Lord, it's just so great to be with you.
When fear comes, attacking me with various thoughts about work, you gave me this verse:
1 John 3:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Yes Lord, indeed. In you there is no fear, You'll make me perfect in you, so there is no fear, no need to fear. I just need to look up to you and put everything into your hands.
And Lord, it's so great to spend time with you. Just to let your glory shine upon me. Yes in bible you said, when we came to you, your glory will be reflected from our face - like what happened to Moses. Lord, and I wanna be more like you, Lord. Let me spend more and more time with you Lord so I am becoming more and more like you. Lord, I wanna be more like you.
And Psa 16 is so very good. In particular I like these verses:
2 我 的 心 哪 , 你 曾 對 耶 和 華 說 : 你 是 我 的 主 ; 我 的 好 處 不 在 你 以 外 。
5 耶 和 華 是 我 的 產 業 , 是 我 杯 中 的 分 ; 我 所 得 的 , 你 為 我 持 守 。
6 用 繩 量 給 我 的 地 界 , 坐 落 在 佳 美 之 處 ; 我 的 產 業 實 在 美 好 。
7 我 必 稱 頌 那 指 教 我 的 耶 和 華 ; 我 的 心 腸 在 夜 間 也 警 戒 我 。
8 我 將 耶 和 華 常 擺 在 我 面 前 , 因 他 在 我 右 邊 , 我 便 不 致 搖 動 。
9 因 此 , 我 的 心 歡 喜 , 我 的 靈 ( 原 文 是 榮 耀 ) 快 樂 ; 我 的 肉 身 也 要 安 然 居 住 。
10 因 為 你 必 不 將 我 的 靈 魂 撇 在 陰 間 , 也 不 叫 你 的 聖 者 見 朽 壞 。
11 你 必 將 生 命 的 道 路 指 示 我 。 在 你 面 前 有 滿 足 的 喜 樂 ; 在 你 右 手 中 有 永 遠 的 福 樂 。
Oh Lord, and yes, this psalm too:
詩 篇 1: 1-3
1 不 從 惡 人 的 計 謀 , 不 站 罪 人 的 道 路 , 不 坐 褻 慢 人 的 座 位 ,
2 惟 喜 愛 耶 和 華 的 律 法 , 晝 夜 思 想 , 這 人 便 為 有 福 !
3 他 要 像 一 棵 樹 栽 在 溪 水 旁 , 按 時 候 結 果 子 , 葉 子 也 不 枯 乾 。 凡 他 所 做 的 盡 都 順 利 。
Lord, not only that you bless me: that you said I'm blessed indeed! And that I am this tree planted next to the stream (your cleansing stream! yeah!), and that I shall bear fruits at your designated time (yes, "fruits" in many different senses including children and work and other souls. and it's YOUR timing that we're looking at, the best timing. And I even thank you for the busy timing you have set up for us for all the 60th anniversary we are now working on, including the ATL production too. Lord I thank you for that and I praise you for that. I still don't know if I can handle that much but if you have arranged it that way and that I have you to work along side with me, then nothing is impossible! Thank you Lord, dear. Thanks for giving me this chance to work like this, with you.) And not just fruits, but the leaves are also well supplied and won't dry up. If fruits are the external things that our lives bearing, then leaves must be my own life: whether it's spirit, body or soul. But my whole self, including all 3 parts, will be so well nourished in you, Lord, that none of them wl dry up. Lord, though work is tough and life is busy, as long as I get the priority right and come to you first, you'll nourish my spirit, help me get my mind and soul submissive to you, and give me healthy body and enough energy to do all things that you have set me out to do. Lord, and I'll grow. The leaves are not dried and they're working properly to support the growth of the whole tree! Lord, the root will grow deeper in you and more extensive. More branches will grow and growing more and more leaves, so as to bear more and more fruits. Yes, keep growing, keep growing. We shouldn't stop in you but keep on growing, until the day we meet with you face to face and you make us complete, then. And the best of all, Lord, of course is your blessing that for whatever I do, things will work out smoothly and great. Lord, there is really no need for me to worry about anything. Even if it's work. Though I know and I am still learning to avoid my mistake, so that they won't spoil the plan, But as long as I've done my best and do what you ask us to do (it's really not that hard, as said in 1 John. Following the commendments you have given us, to trust and believe in Jesus Christ, to love you, and love one another. Simple, straight forward requirements. We just need hte holy spirit to come help us for that important first step, and keeping us going along the way.
Lord, thanks again for such great verses and such great blessings. Lord I wanna be this tree, and keep on growing with the nutrients, the words, the learnings, in the stream, in you. Lord I wanna bear fruits for you, all kinds of fruits, as you see fit. Lord I wanna continue to grow in you, with my leaves, to learn more, deepen my roots, extending my branches. Lord, bless me and my work and in all things I do, so I can be a blessing to the people around me, to the company, to the society.
Thanks again Lord. Thanks again.
In name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
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