This week I am not doing too well - instead of going away to pray during lunch time on Tue, I stayed at my desk to work. So sorry, Lord, I "airplaned" you again, skipping our appointment! I felt bad. But then, Lord, you know my weaknesses and I thank you for forgiving me, as always, and to cleanse away my sins as soon as I turn to you and confess to you. Thank you Lord. And I know you are helping me to do away with these not so ideal qualities in my life so I can be closer and closer to you. Thank you Lord.
Lord, may I first pray for SIC. Lots of things happening and lots of things developing. Lord, thanks for the long chat with Pastor Helen last night. It's great to be able to share with her what's happening in my life and in CCF.
Lord, and thanks for opening up the door for a new group for me. I heard you, there's something about leadership thing in my heart, in my life that I need to deal with. And I know you will reveal it to me and help me out as well. Thank you Lord. There is so many things you fill my hearts with - I wonder if just one quiet day on Monday is enough!
And Lord I also thank you for the Cleansing Stream seminar. The more I go into it the more I feel your work thru it. It's really wonderful. And it's great to hear from Helen that even more wonderful things are to be done during the day camp. Also, not just me but many brothers and sisters' lives are being "cleansed" during the course as well. Lord, really see that you are using this tool to revive and release many. Thanks so much. Please I pray to you let SIC be one part of your body be revived and lighted up so we'll be a church burning with passion for you, to fulfill our role in your kingdom. Not just one or two or a few of us but the whole church!
Lord, please guide us. Please give Pastor Mok, Pastor Helen, Pastor John, Pastor Wong wisdom and protection, vision and mission. Lord, be their leader so they can lead us following you. Shepherd them so they can shepherd to us all. But of course, my Lord, the great thing about you have come sacrificed for us is that now each of us can come to you direct! Lord, you are our God and our Shepherd and our Comforter.
Lord, I would also like to pray for CCF. Yes it's "something", as sui puts it. Lord, I thank you for pouring out so many blessings to CX over the years. It's really quite something to have a fellowship within the company for over some 15 years! Lord, this is your grace. And I also pray to you for all those brothers and sisters who came before us, for they have laid down the spiritual foundation here in CX, so that we can continue to expand your kingdom here in this company, in the marketplace.
My Lord, please continue to lead us and guide us for the way forward. I believe there is even more that is to happen. Lord, yes, your kingdom should come to CX, not in a distant future but something that we need to respond to, now.
Lord, for CCF specifically I pray for all the core team members, including myself. Lord, please let us fill with your Holy Spirit. Protect our hearts so they remain pure and clean so we can hear your voice. Let us remain obedient so when we hear you, we'll respond and obey you asap. Lord, let us not do things "human" way or "earthly" way or "fleshly" way or "our own" way. Lord, we may have different views and different opinion at times, but please let us be all UNITED in you, to fix our eyes on YOU, and to follow you relentlessly. Lord, guide our steps and lead our way, so that CCF will be going to the direction you want us to go, instead of going astray.
Lord, I also pray to you for the new program/ new structure and the vision shared. Lord, I don't know how the whole group felt as they were so quiet on Thursday. And even myself didn't feel too enlightened then - may be, it's a bit too much practical thing so we didn't feel your presence that much. Lord, please help us. It's not project plan or departmental meeting, it's something from YOU! It should be done in your way but not this world's way. Lord, we, and I, may have failed to do that or bring that msg out. Lord, I thus put this to you in prayer. Lord, yes I know. We go out and sow and work on the ground and water etc., but YOU are the one who makes plants grow. Lord, and sometime, often times, I don't farm that well. Teach me, Lord, please continue to teach me, and us. So we'll do better and better in you, closer to your heart than anything else on earth.
Lord, one last thing, is for the evangelical meeting on 6APR. Lord, I pray to you for smooth preparation for the meeting. And may I give praise again for the dedication of Frank - every time he invites his pastor and churchmates to come he has to take leave and drive them to CX City! Lord I thank you for the passion I see in his heart. It's so encouraging, Lord. It's so great to see you light up people's lives and hearts for you. The same is true for Susanna - one can really see her shine in you, enjoying your love and presence. Same for Lydia, too, of course. Lord, thanks so much. Thanks so much.
And I must confess, Lord, sometime this thought will come to my mind how my role was to light them up in CCF - that because of ME that they got lighted up again. Lord, please help me to guide my mind - the battlefield. Lord, I know that thought was not true because, if anyone's life is changed at all, of course it's because of YOU! Lord, only you can change people's lives, people's hearts. If I was used as the tool or as the tube along the way, I would be most happy because I could be of use in You. But no, it's not about me, it's just about You, my Lord. All glory is unto you, my Lord. Sometimes I might indeed agree to such thought, Lord. Please forgive me. And I renounce such thought - it is not true and by bringing it to you, Lord, you'll break it away from me so such thought will no longer have impact or influence on me. Lord, you'll restore me in you. Restore me so that I can just serve you with a pure heart, get cleansed, again.
Lord, and continue for the 6APR gathering, please also fill Stephen and Mori and their worship team with your Holy Spirit, so that when they come worship and share, all the audience can feel your presence there. Lord, let all the audience be touched by you. Lord, let them experience your TRUTH your LIGHT your LOVE, first hand. Lord, I pray to you to prepare the hearts of all those Christians in CX, so they will invite non-believer colleagues to come. Lord, I also pray to you for the hearts of all those non-believers, pray that their hearts will be softened and that they will come. And when they come, your Holy Spirit can work on them directly.
Lord, in particular I wanna pray for John Sieu, Anthony Yeung, Winnie Wong, Melody Keung, Manual Tsang, Susan Liao, Ian Shiu, Frank Yu. I would like to invite them to the function on the 6APR. Please prepare their hearts.
Lord, and may I pray for the fellowship that will take place today in Vision. Lord, you have a plan for Vision and popo. May your will be done. May your kingdom come. Lord, pray that your Holy Spirit will fill each of our hearts, so that when we get to know this group of young people, your love can flow thru us to reach them. Yes, Lord, the only reason that popo can come true and in fact for us to be able to popo, to love at all, is because of you. There is no unconditional love from the world or just from us. You are the only source and without you, there is no other way.
Lord, I pray for this group of young people. Lord, you have selected them and they have chosen to responds to you. Bless them, Lord. Pour out your blessings to them. Help them to hear you clearly. Help them to make the right decision in life - Lord, I know you'll never make decision for any of us, but please, when they seek you, let them find you. That's your promise in Bible and I know you'll make it come true. For this group of young people I pray.
Lord, thank you so much. Last but not least, please prepare both Wesley and me and in fact all other classmates of the Cleansing Stream course to prepare our hearts and our lives for the upcoming camp. Lord, in particular I pray for all those who have not yet finished their homework. Lord, pray to you that they can enjoy it, rather than seeing it as a task to complete. Let them encounter yourself when they do the homework. Let your spirit work in them. Lord, in particular I pray for Joyce, Irene, and Priscilla and also Winnie. So that God you will help them to set aside time to enjoy this homework time with you. Lord, I also pray to you for the whole group (Joyce, Lydia, Irene, Priscilla, Winnie, KY, myself) and also Wesley's group (Wesley, Lap bon, Calab, Kent, Anna's Wesley), and also all other brothers and sisters attending this course. Lord, protect us during this spiritual warfare time before we go to the camp. Let us be covered and protected by Jesus' precious blood so no attack or distraction from the evil one will prevail. Lord, let us put on your spiritual warfare outfit and win the battle, and still standing afterwards.
Thank you Lord. It's great to pray. It's great talking to you, always!
Lastly, please prepare my heart for the quiet day on Monday. This is the first time I went away from home to do it. Lord, and I've already got so many things from you that you wanna talk to me about ! It's great. I just so look forward to spend time with you, quietly, single-mindedly, just us. Lord, please prepare my heart because there are many random thoughts in my mind, recently, a symptom of stress and too many undone work. But Lord, in your hand I place all these. Give me wisdom to handle and to guide my mind so when I don't need to work on them, they won't come to my mind. And when I have quiet time with you, I can have my FULL self in you, wholeheartedly.
Once again thank you Lord. Thank you for you're a wonderful God. Only in you there's true joy and peace in life.
In name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
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