Talked to gela over phone again when I was on my way home today. It's so great to have brothers and sisters to walk in His way, together. She shared with me two things, which are both very important and I think very good reminders from God to me.
1. Rugby
The first thing is on Rugby. We talked about a bit on what to do with it.
The point that I'm stuck is that I don't know what exactly God's plan/ purpose/ message thru this event. Earthly objectives I know what to write about - but an MPP with "top down" objectives? I'm stuck and lost.
But then gela reminded me that the objectives shoudl be the same! The same objectives as in my personal MPP, or her personal MPP, or for any functions... the "top down" ones have always been the same. It's just the way of execution, be it the strategy or program contents or whatever, that may vary case by case...
It seems to me to be a very important point. But I could only recap it as above now. And I still need some more time to really understand and get thru to it. Lord, please help...
But no worry. I know, God will teach me and lead me. Either by Himself directly or thru brothers and sisters, like gela just did. Thank you Lord. I know your grace is enough for our use.
2. Stumbling Block
The second sharing is even more important!
I was talking to another colleague about promotion issue. And I have been quite stuck on it. Mostly, I saw what issues SHE HAS. And so "wonderfully", again finding excuses and taking my responsibility and my own fault much more lightly.
Sigh! Haven't I read this verse a thousand times? "為什麼只見弟兄眼中的刺, 而不見自己眼中的樑木呢?"
Basically when I said sorry to her for what I have done wrong, I can still feel that I didn't say it really feeling sorry or wanna change. I was just "saying it" but didn't really feel it. So v bad.
And gela has a v good sharing with a prayer, to always, always ask Holy Spirit to show me if I have done anything which may put stumbling block into people's way, so it's more difficult for them to get close to God.
It may not be about doing things right or wrong. It may not be about being nice or not to others. But then, we do need to be clear and on alert if anything we do may make it more difficult for others to get closer to God. We need to be on alert and only Holy Spirit can fully and truly enlighten us on that.
And this is the prayer I make tonight, my Lord. And this is the prayer I need to make, always. Lord, let me be sensitive to my own sin. Let me not focus on others on fault-finding but always ask for your light to shine on me first, so I can see for myself how and what I have done. My Lord, for the things I have done and not-done right in 2005, I now come to you with a repenting heart. A truly repenting heart to wish that they've never took place. A true remorse that to hope that it has never happened. My Lord, there is only one way to relieve this sense of guilt and to right the wrong, that's in YOU. Lord, because I can no longer do anything about it. But I know you can, my Lord. Please guide my steps, enlighten me, and never forsake me - I know you won't! And once again you said, "憂傷痛悔的心 主必不輕看". My Lord, I'd still fall and fail from time to time, but I really wanna walk in your way. Even if I fall, pls guide my steps so I'll still be on the right way, on your path. Lord, I may still stumble, but pls hold my hand and guide me in your way. Lord, and especially for those stumbling block that I have unintentionally left in others' way to you, Lord, please help, please help remove them from their lives. Please not let my failure become others' roadblocks to you. Lord, and please give me faith and wisdom, to know that in me it's impossible to accomplish anything, but in you anything can be accomplished. Lord, in you, I trust.
Thanks for hearing my prayer. In name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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