Wednesday, November 09, 2005

同股東交待 - some more thoughts

I keep thinking about the sharing yesterday, in particular about 同股東交待.

When I think about it again, I think, actually, the most important thing that holds me back is not about what other think. Rather, it's what I myself think is right or wrong to do.

So from what I have learned, 同股東交待 is something right to do: that I need to be a responsible person, that I need to be faithful and do well what is assigned to me to do, that it SHOULD be done that way... the same is true for work and family and personal life.

If it's other's misunderstanding, I can disregard them easily. As shared yesterday - to me, one only needs to answer to his heart and to God.

However, the question I have for this 同股東交待 dilemma is that it's really NOT about what other people would think of me, but how I would think of myself. I am the one feeling not right to do certain thing and I am the one who holds back from putting God first and doing God's work.

Oh my Lord. I know how very wrong it is and how basic it is - back to the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Who to decide what's good and what's evil, afterall? Is it men or God? What measurement we are using?

I know it but the grip in my heart, it seems still not losen yet... really need to let go ah...

1 comment:

xxx said...

Think Shareholder is a good term to elaborate further. If we see life as an entity, with ONE shareholder - our LORD, and us being the executor. HE opens many subsidaries under this entity, like work, like family, like friends... sometimes as the executor, we wl do something that we see it as good but not that from shareholder's pov, like some CEOs wl do something that not really good for the sounds really interesting...