It's interesting that I have started to do a mental "annual review" as early as November 2006 this year.
This is a really fruitful year. And I think I can say that from nearly all aspects in my life, I have seen growth, development, improvement, enrichment, and enhancement:
Spiritually- The "Cleansing Stream Course" was such a blessing! It's hard to believe that Wesley and I just attended this course in 1Q 2006! We have learned so much and grown so much and been healed so much from the teaching and truth of this course. And there's such sweet sweet feeling with my Lord, building up during the term of the course that I really treasure.
- It's also great for me to take part in the "Cleansing Stream Course" again in the Autumn season as a helper. It's great to grow and to be able to help others experience the same great things from this course from our Lord.
- Also not to forget is of course our trip to Kaohsiung to attend the Agape Conference. As Claudia said, it's really like in a "spiritual spa" and get soaked up in the sweetness in our Lord in those few days.
- And there was so much more, e.g. the Alpha courses. It's certainly a big change from the "spiritual drought" I experienced in the 2nd half of 2005.
- There has been such big change at work! In 2005 I just started in this new post in Marketing department. I didn't do well in 2005 - feeling lost, feeling bad, feeling feared. There can be no other reason but that God has changed me: 2006 was such a different year and I became such a different person at work! Courage and wisdom God bestow to me, and that confidence and "at ease" came back to me when dealing with all sorts of challenges at work.
- 2006 was indeed a challenging year, and a very important one for me too.
- The biggest thing for me and my team is definitely the activities around the 60th Anniversary. Through the work on the Skyshow, I did not only experience the fulfillment and the passion for work. But more importantly, I know I can bless other people's life through my work! through my paid job! through my vocation! I did not know why but I still remember clearly, the first thing I did when I went to Festival Walk the venue of our first Skyshow to do site inspection, I was not doing anything first but to walk around the place and pray - I pray that God will bless these many people who were then working on the display. I pray that God would bless all those people who would come to see this Skyshow. I pray that God would bless the many many colleagues, business partners, or people that I work with through this project. How it is to be done, I don't know! I could only thank the Holy Spirit for putting such thought in my heart and moved me to pray so. And I have such faith that God has indeed blessed us so.
- Even stronger the feeling came from the work on the 60th Anniversary Gala Party. By any sense it is still a big big big project. Indeed it was bigger than any project I have undertaken before. Again, I did not know how but starting quite early in the project I have already prayed to our Lord: oh Lord, make this a party that would glorify you. Oh Lord, make this a party that would glorify you. Even now, I still don't know how an anniversary party of a commercial, non-Christian company is related to the glory of our Lord. But somehow, it was the sacrifice I brought to my Lord, to dedicate this whole party to Him and him alone. This is my worship, the worship from my whole life: my mind, body and soul, my every waking moment and also the sleeping moment. And it's such a great great great experience to live in FULL, in HIM, at WORK! It's something I long for and I seek to relive that kind of life, i.e. to live in Jesus in Full every day every moment, again, for the rest of my life.
- One thing that's related is that CX has acquired KA this year, and it's a big thing for the company, even bigger than 60th Anniversary celebration or the launch of our new product. I think the important and the encouraging thing is that God has put down this vision of "40 Days of Prayer for the Company" in my heart for this announcement, and how the Holy Spirit has really made it happened, and how encouraging it is to have about 30 brothers and sisters committed to join this prayer action to uplift our company to Jesus Christ in that important period.
Wesley & I- We have been together for so long and our relationship is so stable (in the good sense), especially after Wesley has also accepted Jesus Christ to his life about a year ago, I didn't think there could be anything else that happened. Obviously, I was wrong!
- It was really a shock when I first received that "Confession" email from Wesley. But I really praise our Lord, PRAISE OUR LORD! For He has prepared more love even for case like this! And I'm so grateful, so grateful, that we came out to know each other more, and to love each other even more. It's so great to grow and walk our lives, together.
Friends- The one I must mention is Angela. I am just so, so, so happy for her! I think 2006 may mean even more to her for all those things happened in her life. And seeing the changes in her, it felt like it's happening in my own life, too! Can't really express how happy I am. Can only end with "Praise our Lord" again!
Family- I still think I haven't done enough with and for my family. I'm glad that at least I've written my parents a letter to express my love, but still, it's too small a step - I haven't even written the second letter yet! I do hope that in 2007 we'll have some more chance to spend time together. More importantly, I do hope that they would finally get to know Jesus Christ and invite HIM to be their own personal saviour.
- On the other hand, I really thank God for my parents-in-law. It was not easy time for the past 2 years for us. It was hard for us to go through Wes' Dad's stroke and all the recovery process in 2005, but it was even more challenging when complications arisen again this year, and that an originally simple operation (that's what we thought) would turn out to be another 4 months in and out of hospital, and that Wes' Dad's ability to eat, to talk or to walk was further weakened. We don't know why and we may never know, we can only continue to learn to look up to and rely on Jesus Christ our Lord our God.
It really was a fruitful year, and I keep counting and keep counting and keep counting our blessings - our Lord really loves me! And He has given us so much! I'm most grateful.
If there is anything missing, it would be it.
When it was November 2006, I had this quiet whisper to my Lord - it's not even a "formal prayer", it's just my whisper: "Oh my Lord, if you would give our family a baby too in 2006, then it's really too amazing and 2006 would be such a very special year, with all the things already took place... ...".
For in the past 20 months, we have been trying but I just didn't conceive.