I spent the whole morning preparing for the presentation. As I was working on it, I prayed quietly in my heart that I did want to share some useful things with them. I didn't want to just deliver a presentation. I hoped that they could really take something away and be blessed.
As I walked into the room, they were just having a short break. When I was setting up my presentation I prayed for them quietly to our Lord, to bless them.
All went well. Just 2 questions raised during Q&A, and the lecturer said "oh, they're so shy. They would probably ask you questions during lunch!" So lunch together we went.
I was so absent-minded that I didn't see the placard with my name on the first table so I took a seat on the last table. After I took the first plate of food back to my seat, I prayed, and about to start to eat. Then the first question came from the young gentleman sitting opposite:
"Grace, do you see any conflict of your religion and your work? I see that you are a Christian. How do you see living out one's faith in work environment? You know, I'm a Christian too so I asked."I believe there were at least 5-10 seconds that I didn't know how to react, but staring at him blankly. Would you expect such a question at all? I CERTAINLY DIDN'T! And I just can't tell you how amazed I was when I heard about this.
So after the initial shock, I got the opportunity to share how I led a Christian life at work - and how indeed it is just THE way! And we even got the opportunity to talk about CCF and the Alpha Course in CX, too. And I'm really glad that I could share with them the truth that God does have a great plan for each and every single one of us, and to encourage them to find that calling and passion in their life.
Oh my Lord, how amazing you are. How amazing you are. When our hearts turn to you and that we do things for you, you then give us the opportunity to testify for you and give glory to you. Oh my dear Lord, you are just amazing!
Praise our Lord!